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[ACE THE TEST] Giải đề IELTS Writing ngày 09/11/2023 

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Vietop gửi bạn giải đề IELTS Writing ngày 09/11/2023 bên dưới nhé! Các bạn theo dõi và ôn luyện IELTS Writing thật tốt nhé!

IELTS Writing task 1

The charts below give information about the world’s top three producers for four different dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, milk powder) in the year of 2012.

[ACE THE TEST] Giải đề IELTS Writing ngày 09/11/2023 
[ACE THE TEST] Giải đề IELTS Writing ngày 09/11/2023 

Bước 1: Lập dàn ý 

Đoạn tổng quan: Mô hình tương tự có thể thấy ở tất cả ba nhà sản xuất hàng đầu trên thế giới, với Liên minh châu Âu (EU) liên tục là nhà sản xuất chính của bốn loại sản phẩm từ sữa, tiếp theo là Ấn Độ và Hoa Kỳ (US). Ngoài ra, trong bốn danh mục này, sữa là sản phẩm được sản xuất phổ biến nhất, vượt xa các con số cho bột sữa.

Thân bài 1Thân bài 2
.EU là nhà sản xuất chủ đạo của sữa, sản xuất ít hơn 150000 MT, và được tiếp theo sát bởi Ấn Độ, sản xuất khoảng 130000 MT cùng sản phẩm. Ngược lại, Hoa Kỳ có số lượng sữa được sản xuất ít nhất (khoảng 90000 MT). Bột sữa gần như chính xác theo mô hình tương tự như sữa, mặc dù ở mức tỷ lệ thấp hơn nhiều. Hầu hết sản phẩm loại này được sản xuất ở EU (hơi dưới 1250 MT), trong khi các con số cho Ấn Độ và Hoa Kỳ thấp hơn, với các số lượng tương ứng là khoảng 1100 MT và hơn 750 MT.
– Liên quan đến bơ, đã xuất hiện một sự khác biệt đáng kể khoảng 2500 MT trong sản xuất bơ, với EU vượt xa đối tác Ấn Độ. Trong khi EU sản xuất gần 4500 MT, con số cho Ấn Độ chỉ là 2000 MT. Ấn Độ sản xuất gần gấp đôi lượng bơ so với Hoa Kỳ, với con số cho Hoa Kỳ chỉ là 800 MT. 
– Cuối cùng, khoảng 7000 MT phô mai được sản xuất ở EU, trong khi Ấn Độ chiếm gần hai phần ba lượng của EU, với con số là 5000 MT. Đáng chú ý, con số thấp nhất được ghi lại trong sản xuất phô mai ở Hoa Kỳ, nơi chỉ có 500 MT sản phẩm này được sản xuất.

Bước 2: Hoàn thành bài luận

The bar chart compares three leading countries on a worldwide scale in terms of their production of four types of dairy products, namely milk, cheese, butter and milk powder in the year 2012. The unit of measurement is metric tons (MT). 

Overall, a similar pattern could be seen in all of the three major world producers, with the EU consistently being the primary manufacturer of four kinds of dairy products, followed by India and the United States (US). In addition, among the four categories, milk was by far the most commonly produced one, significantly surpassing the figures for milk powder. 

The EU was the dominant producer of milk, manufacturing slightly under 150000 MT, and this was followed closely by India, whose production of the same product was approximately 130000 MT. By contrast, the US lags behind, having the least amount of milk produced (around 90000 MT). Milk powder almost exactly followed a similar pattern to that of milk, albeit at a far lower rate. The majority of this type of product was made in the EU (marginally below 1250 MT), whereas India and the US produced lower quantities, with respective figures being roughly 1100 MT and just over 750 MT. 

Regarding butter, a considerable difference of about 2500 MT was witnessed in butter production, with the EU far outnumbering its Indian counterparts. While the former produced nearly 4500 MT, the figure for the latter was only 2000 MT. India produced nearly twice as much butter as the US, with the data for the US standing at a mere 800 MT. Finally, about 7000 MT of cheese was produced in the EU, as opposed to India, which accounted for close to two-thirds of the EU’s amount, at 5000MT. Notably, the lowest recorded figure occurred in cheese production in the US, where as low as 500 MT of this product was manufactured. 

Bước 3: Từ vựng 

Counterparts can be used to refer to a different but similar group. 

a) If the whole group consists of females divided into different ages, we can avoid repeating ‘females’ by saying: 

Females aged 15 to 24 exercised less than older females. 

Females aged 15 to 24 exercised less than their older counterparts 

b) If we see the group in terms of age, we can refer to men and women of the same group as follows: 

Females aged 15 to 24 exercised less than males aged 15 to 24.

Females aged 15 to 24 exercised less than their male counterparts 

IELTS Writing task 2

Many men and women are making the decision to have children later in life. Why is this trend occurring? What are the impacts of this development on both family and society?

Bước 1: Phân tích đề 

  • Từ khoá: Many men and women, making the decision, have children later in life
  • Câu hỏi: Đề bài yêu cầu thí sinh đưa ra nguyên do, và ảnh hưởng lên gia đình và xã hội 

Bước 2: Lập kế hoạch cho bài luận

Thân bài 1Thân bài 2
Idea 1: Financial Considerations
Topic Sentence: The escalating cost of living, especially in urban areas, is a primary factor leading to delayed parenthood.
Young couples struggle with rent, food, and utility bills, prompting the postponement of childbearing.
Economic stability is a prerequisite for successful parenting.
Idea 2: Career and Educational Priorities
Topic Sentence: Many individuals delay having children to focus on career development and educational pursuits.
Both men and women prioritize establishing career foundations and completing advanced education.
The responsibilities of raising a family can be burdensome and potentially interfere with personal and professional goals.

Older couples, characterized by calmness and accumulated experiences, often provide better care for their children.
Resources from established careers and financial stability contribute to improved access to education and healthcare.
On a societal level, delayed parenthood may lead to a shrinking young population, causing potential economic challenges.
Increased reliance on social services and community support as individuals become parents later in life.

Để viết bài luận Writing Task 2 tốt, bạn cần phân tích đề và xây dựng dàn ý logic và mạch lạc. Với khoá học IELTS 6.0 tại Vietop bạn sẽ được hướng dẫn chi tiết về kỹ năng phân tích, viết bài chuyên sâu ở tất cả các dạng trong IELTS Writing. Từ đó giúp hiểu sâu yêu cầu học thuật đối với từng kỹ năng IELTS và vận dụng tốt vào các tiêu chí chấm điểm trong Writing.

Bước 3: Hoàn thành bài luận

It is widely recognized that a sizable proportion of adults are delaying parenthood. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, it has implications for both families and society at large.

Many people are choosing to have children later for several reasons. Firstly, the escalating cost of living in many parts of the world, particularly in urban areas, is the principle factor behind this development. Young married couples usually struggle to afford rent on top of their food and utility bills, so they often defer having children until they are more financially established, given the substantial expenses associated with raising a child. Undoubtedly, economic stability is a crucial prerequisite for successful parenting.

Secondly, many people are postponing bearing children so that they can place more emphasis on career development and educational pursuits. Individuals, both men and women, often prioritize establishing a solid foundation in their careers and completing advanced education, as taking on the responsibilities of raising a family can be burdensome, consume a significant portion of people’s time and potentially interfere with their goals.  

From a familial perspective, older couples are often characterized by their calmness and accumulation of real-life experiences, and they have resources at their disposal thanks to established careers and financial stability. Therefore, children in these households are more often than not better taken care of, including having access to high-quality education and healthcare services.

However, on a societal level, one of the most noticeable effects of delayed parenthood is the transformation of demographic patterns within society. In other words, the age distribution within communities will alter, with the overall birth rate declining, while an aging population would become more popular. This could be accompanied by a shrinking young population, potentially leading to lack of human resources and its resultant economic problems. At the same time, the consequences of an aging population would involve putting a strain on healthcare services, pension eligibility and social support systems. 

In conclusion, people are having children later in life due in large part to financial pressure of modern life and their desire to obtain their education and work-related ambitions. This development is advantageous for family life, but can give rise to serious social and economic problems.

Bước 4: Từ vựng

VocabularyMeaning in Vietnamese
ParenthoodViệc làm cha mẹ
Financially establishedĐã có đủ tài chính
Economic stabilityỔn định về mặt kinh tế
PrerequisiteĐiều kiện tiên quyết
Educational pursuitSự theo đuổi giáo dục
Social support systemsDịch vụ trợ cấp xã hội

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words/phrases in the box.

Gap-Fill Exercise:

  • 1. The decision to start a family often requires being _______________ to ensure the well-being of the children.
    Answer: Financially established
  • 2. For many, achieving _______________ is a crucial step before embarking on the journey of parenthood.

Answer: Economic stability

  • 3. Completing a certain level of education is often seen as a _______________ for pursuing a successful career.
    Answer: Prerequisite
  • 4. The couple prioritized their _______________, putting off having children until they both achieved their professional goals.
    Answer: Educational pursuit
  • 5. _______________ play a vital role in providing assistance and support to vulnerable individuals and families in the community.
    Answer: Social support systems 

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