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Reading Practice Fishbourne roman palace

Reading Practice: Fishbourne roman palace

IELTS Reading Practice – Fishbourne Roman Palace (Cung điện La Mã Fishbourne) với hai dạng bài true/ false/ not given và sentence completion. Đây là một đề không quá khó, nhưng vẫn đủ thử thách để luyện tập cho phần thi IELTS Reading.  Để dễ

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Reading Practice Yawning

Reading Practice: Yawning

How and why we yarn still presents problems for researchers in an area which has only recently been opened up to study When Robert R Provine began studying yawning in the 1960s, it was difficult for him to convince research students of the merits of

Hoàng Long Hoàng Long
The dingo debate

Reading Practice: The dingo debate

Graziers see them as pests, and poisoning is common, but some biologists think Australia’s dingoes are the best weapon in a war against imported cats and foxes. A A plane flies a slow pattern over Carlton Hill station, a 3,600 square kilometre ranch in the

Hoàng Long Hoàng Long

🔥 Bài viết mới nhất

Reading Practice Alexander Henderson (1831-1913)

Reading Practice: Alexander Henderson (1831-1913)

Born in Scotland, Henderson emigrated to Canada in 1855 and become a well-known landscape photographer Alexander Henderson was born in Scotland in 1831 and was the son of a successful merchant. His grandfather, also called Alexander, had founded the family business, and later became the

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Reading Practice Bringing cinnamon to Europe

Reading Practice: Bringing cinnamon to Europe

Cinnamon is a sweet, fragrant spice produced from the inner bark of trees of the genus Cinnamomum, which is native to the Indian sub-continent. It was known in biblical times, and is mentioned in several books of the Bible, both as an ingredient that was

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The secret of staying young

Reading Practice: The secret of staying young

Pheidole dentata, a native ant of the south-eastern U.S., isn’t immortal. But scientists have found that it doesn’t seem to show any signs of aging. Old workers ants can do everything just as well as the youngsters, and their brains appear just as sharp. ‘We

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Could urban engineers learn from dance?

Reading Practice: Could urban engineers learn from dance?

A  The way we travel around cities has a major impact on whether they are sustainable. Transportation is estimated to account for 30% of energy consumption in most of the world’s most developed nations, so lowering the need for energy-using vehicles is essential for decreasing

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[IELTS READING] The Desolenator: producing clean water

The Desolenator: producing clean water

A Travelling around Thailand in the 1990s, William Janssen was impressed with the basic rooftop solar heating systems that were on many homes, where energy from the sun was absorbed by a plate and then used to heat water for domestic use. Two decades later

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The concept of intelligence

Reading Practice: The concept of intelligence

A Looked at in one way, everyone knows what intelligence is; looked at in another way, no one does. In other words, people all have unconscious notions – known as ‘implicit theories’ – of intelligence, but no one knows for certain what it actually is.

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The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world

The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world

How Dutch engineer Luud Schimmelpennink helped to devise urban bike-sharing schemes. A –   The original idea for an urban bike-sharing scheme dates back to a summer’s day in Amsterdam in 1965.  Provo, the organisation that came up with the idea, was a group of

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The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism

Reading Practice: The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism

A Travel has existed since the beginning of time, when primitive man set out, often traversing great distances in search of game, which provided the food and clothing necessary for his survival. Throughout the course of history, people have travelled for purposes of trade, religious

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Reading Practice Should we try to bring extinct species back to life

Reading Practice: Should we try to bring extinct species back to life?

A  The passenger pigeon was a legendary species. Flying in vast numbers across North America, with potentially many millions within a single flock, their migration was once one of nature’s great spectacles. Sadly, the passenger pigeon’s existence came to an end on 1 September 1914

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Reading Practice William Henry Perkin

Reading Practice: William Henry Perkin

William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy, Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences. photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that

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Case study Tourism New Zealand website

Case study: Tourism New Zealand website

New Zealand is a small country of four million inhabitants, a long-haul flight from all the major tourist-generating markets of the world. Tourism currently makes up 9% of the country’s gross domestic product, and is the country’s largest export sector. Unlike other export sectors, which

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Reading Practice: Nutmeg – a valuable spice

Reading Practice: Nutmeg – a valuable spice

The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a large evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only grew in one place in the world: a small group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of the Moluccas – or Spice Islands

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