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Reading Practice Fishbourne roman palace

Reading Practice: Fishbourne roman palace

IELTS Reading Practice – Fishbourne Roman Palace (Cung điện La Mã Fishbourne) với hai dạng bài true/ false/ not given và sentence completion. Đây là một đề không quá khó, nhưng vẫn đủ thử thách để luyện tập cho phần thi IELTS Reading.  Để dễ

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Reading Practice Yawning

Reading Practice: Yawning

How and why we yarn still presents problems for researchers in an area which has only recently been opened up to study When Robert R Provine began studying yawning in the 1960s, it was difficult for him to convince research students of the merits of

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The dingo debate

Reading Practice: The dingo debate

Graziers see them as pests, and poisoning is common, but some biologists think Australia’s dingoes are the best weapon in a war against imported cats and foxes. A A plane flies a slow pattern over Carlton Hill station, a 3,600 square kilometre ranch in the

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Grimm's fairy tales

Reading Practice: Grimm’s Fairy Tales

The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, named their story collection Children’s and Household Tales and published the first of its seven editions in Germany in 1812. The table of contents reads like an A-list of fairy-tale celebrities: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Little Red Riding

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Reading Practice El Nino and Seabirds

Reading Practice: El Nino and Seabirds

A. Rhythm of the seasons cannot always be relied upon. At times the tropical Pacific Ocean and large expanses of the global atmosphere seem to be marching to the beat of a different drummer, disrupting the normal patterns of countless species of plants and animals

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Reading Practice The Bite That Heat

Reading Practice: The Bite That Heat

Scientists are unlocking the medical potential of venom. A Michael decided to go for a swim. He was on vacation with his family in Guerrero, Mexico, and it was hotter than blazes. He grabbed his swimming trunks from where they’d been drying on a chair,

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Finches on Islands

Reading Practice: Finches on Islands

A Today, the quest continues. On Daphne Major-one of the most desolate of the Galápagos Islands, an uninhabited volcanic cone where cacti and shrubs seldom grow higher than a researcher’s knee-Peter and Rosemary Grant have spent more than three decades watching Darwin’s finch respond to

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Reading Practice Thomas Harriot The Discovery of Refraction

Reading Practice: Thomas Harriot The Discovery of Refraction

A When light travels from one medium to another, it generally bends, or refracts. The law of refraction gives us a way of predicting the amount of bending. Refraction has many applications in optics and technology. A lens uses refraction to form an image of

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Reading Practice The Sound of Dolphin

Reading Practice: The Sound of Dolphin

A.   Each and every dolphin has a different sound just like you and me, a sound that other dolphins recognize as a particular individual. Even a new baby dolphin, (calf), can detect its mother’s whistle within the pod soon after birth. Utilizing their blowholes,

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Beyond the blue horizon

Reading Practice: Beyond the blue horizon

Ancient voyagers who settled the far-flung islands of the Pacific Ocean An important archaeological discovery on the island of Efate in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu has revealed traces of ancient seafaring people, the distant ancestors of today’s Polynesians. The site came to light only

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The Adolescents

Reading Practice: The Adolescents

A The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes three stages of adolescence. These are early, middle and late adolescence, and each has its own developmental tasks. Teenagers move through these tasks at their own speed depending on their physical development and hormone levels. Although these stages

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Tickling and Laughter

Reading Practice: Tickling and Laughter

A The fingers of an outstretched aim are nearing your body; you bend away folding your torso, bending your head to your shoulder in hopes that you don’t get tickled; but the inevitable occurs: yon arc tickled and in hysterics, you chuckle, titter, and burst

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Art to the aid of technology

Reading Practice: Art to the aid of technology

What caricatures can teach us about facial recognition A Our brains are incredibly agile machines, and it is hard to think of anything they do more efficiently than recognize faces. Just hours after birth, the eyes of newborns are drawn to face like patterns. An

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The dugong: sea cow

Reading Practice: The dugong: sea cow

Dugongs are herbivorous mammals that spend their entire lives in the sea. Their close relatives the manatees also venture into or live in freshwater. Together dugongs and manatees make up the order Sirenia or sea cows, so-named because dugongs and manatees are thought to have

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Art in Iron and Steel

Reading Practice: Art in Iron and Steel

A Works of engineering and technology are sometimes viewed as the antitheses of art and humanity. Think of the connotations of assembly lines, robots, and computers. Any positive values there might be in such creations of the mind and human industry can be overwhelmed by

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