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Reading Practice Fishbourne roman palace

Reading Practice: Fishbourne roman palace

IELTS Reading Practice – Fishbourne Roman Palace (Cung điện La Mã Fishbourne) với hai dạng bài true/ false/ not given và sentence completion. Đây là một đề không quá khó, nhưng vẫn đủ thử thách để luyện tập cho phần thi IELTS Reading.  Để dễ

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Reading Practice Yawning

Reading Practice: Yawning

How and why we yarn still presents problems for researchers in an area which has only recently been opened up to study When Robert R Provine began studying yawning in the 1960s, it was difficult for him to convince research students of the merits of

Hoàng Long Hoàng Long
The dingo debate

Reading Practice: The dingo debate

Graziers see them as pests, and poisoning is common, but some biologists think Australia’s dingoes are the best weapon in a war against imported cats and foxes. A A plane flies a slow pattern over Carlton Hill station, a 3,600 square kilometre ranch in the

Hoàng Long Hoàng Long

🔥 Bài viết mới nhất

Reading Practice Bring back the big cats

Reading Practice: Bring back the big cats

It’s time to start returning vanished native animals to Britain, says John Vesty There is a poem, written around 598 AD, which describes hunting a mystery animal called a llewyn. But what was it? Nothing seemed to fit, until 2006, when an animal bone, dating

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Saving bugs to find new drugs

Reading Practice: Saving bugs to find new drugs

Zoologist Ross Piper looks at the potential of insects in pharmaceutical research A More drugs than you might think are derived from, or inspired by, compounds found in living things. Looking to nature for the soothing and curing of our ailments is nothing new –

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Reading Practice: Back to the future of skyscraper design

Reading Practice: Back to the future of skyscraper design

Answers to the problem of excessive electricity use by skyscrapers and large public buildings can be found in ingenious but forgotten architectural designs of the 19th and early-20th centuries A The Recovery of Natural Environments in Architecture by Professor Alan Short is the culmination of

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‘This Marvellous Invention’

Reading Practice: This Marvellous Invention

A Of all mankind’s manifold creations, language must take pride of place. Other inventions -the wheel, agriculture, sliced bread – may have transformed our material existence, but the advent of language is what made us human. Compared to language, all other inventions pale in significance,

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An Introduction to Film Sound

Reading Practice: An Introduction to Film Sound

Though we might think of film as an essentially visual experience, we really cannot afford to underestimate the importance of film sound. A meaningful sound track is often as complicated as the image on the screen, and is ultimately just as much the responsibility of

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Why companies should welcome disorder

Reading Practice: Why companies should welcome disorder

A Organisation is big business. Whether it is of our lives – all those inboxes and calendars – or how companies are structured, a multi-billion dollar industry helps to meet this need. We have more strategies for time management, project management and self-organisation than at

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Reading Practice: The Step Pyramid of Djoser

Reading Practice: The Step Pyramid of Djoser

A The pyramids are the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt and still hold enormous interest for people in the present day. These grand, impressive tributes to the memory of the Egyptian kings have become linked with the country even though other cultures, such as

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Reading Practice Why we need to protect polar bears

Reading Practice: Why we need to protect polar bears

Polar bears are being increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change, but their disappearance could have far-reaching consequences. They are uniquely adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic Circle, where temperatures can reach -40°C. One reason for this is that they have up

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