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Cách trả lời câu hỏi: What do you do in your free time? 

Dạng câu hỏi về các hoạt động trong thời gian rảnh là dạng câu hỏi hay xuất hiện nhất trong phần thi nói đầu tiên của IELTS. Với bài viết dưới đây, IELTS Vietop giới thiệu đến các bạn cách trả lời câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 1: What do you do in your free time?.

1. Một số câu hỏi chủ đề What do you do in your free time?

Dưới đây là một số câu hỏi chủ đề “What do you do in your free time?” mà bạn sẽ thường gặp. Bạn chú ý rằng free time, spare time hay leisure time đều sẽ dùng để nói về thời gian rảnh nhé!

Một số câu hỏi chủ đề What do you do in your free time
Một số câu hỏi chủ đề What do you do in your free time
  • Are there any activities that you used to do but don’t do anymore?
  • Do you ever feel that you waste your free time? How?
  • Do you find that your work or studies take up your free time?
  • Do you have enough free time?
  • Do you have free time on weekends?
  • Do you have much free time during the day?
  • Do you have much free time in the evenings?
  • Do you have much free time in the mornings?
  • Do you like gossiping in your free time?
  • Do you like to watch movies/ going shopping/ going to the cinema/ chatting/ playing computer games/ going to the disco/ playing sports/ reading/ relaxing/… in your free time?
  • Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?
  • How do the men in your family usually spend their free time?
  • How do the women in your family usually spend their free time?
  • How do you like to spend your free time?
  • How do you spend your free time?
  • If you had more free time, what would you do with it?
  • Can you suggest some good places to hang out?
  • What are you doing this weekend?
  • What did you do last weekend?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What do you really hate having to do in your free time?
  • What do you usually do?
  • What hobbies do you have?
  • What new activity would you like to try doing in your free time?
  • What would you like to give up so that you could have more free time?
  • When do you have free time? 
  • Where do you spend your free time?
  • Who do you like to spend your leisure time with?
  • Who do you spend your free time with?
  • Would you like to have more free time?
  • etc.

Xem thêm: Khóa học IELTS 1 kèm 1 – Chỉ 1 thầy và 1 trò chắc chắn đạt điểm đầu ra

2. Một số từ vựng hay cho chủ đề What do you do in your free time?

Từ vựngÝ nghĩaVí dụ
A chitchatcuộc trò chuyệnI always enjoy a chitchat with my sister over coffee.
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A couch potatongười nghiện xem TV, không làm gì khácOur son has become a real couch potato this summer; all he does is sit in front of the TV watching reruns of old sitcoms and baseball games.
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Have it down to an artlà chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực nào đó, thường sau quá trình luyện tập, thực hànhAntonio is great at flower arranging. He has it down to an art.
Hit the big timetrở nên cực kỳ thành côngMalik’s band has hit the big time. It performed at the national stadium last night.
Immerse oneself inđắm chìm vàoShe got some books out of the library and immersed herself in British history and culture.
Insightcái nhìn sâu sắcThe documentary offers an insight into the everyday lives of ordinary Russian citizens.
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Let one’s hair downnghỉ ngơi, thư giãnHelen, you’ve been working too hard lately. You have to let your hair down a little bit!
Once in a blue moonhiếm khiHe cooks at home once in a blue moon.
Recharge one’s batterieshồi phục năng lượngA relaxing afternoon in the park helped me recharge my batteries.
Spin a good yarncâu chuyện hài hước, khó xảy raMy grandpa spins a good yarn. He loves telling us about his childhood adventures.
Strike up a conversationbắt chuyệnThomas struck up a conversation with one of his fellow passengers.
Take the weight off/a load of one’s mindtrút bỏ gánh nặng, thở phào nhẹ nhõmHearing that she’s safe has really taken a load off my mind!
Unwindthư giãnA glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work.
Workloadkhối lượng công việcStudents find out that their workload increases throughout the course.

3. Một số phrase hay về chủ đề Free time

  • To get away from the hustle and bustle of city life: sự thoát khỏi những tất bật của cuộc sống thành phố. → I am thinking of going to the countryside this summer to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
  • I am interested in/ keen on/ fond of/ into/ obsessed with + N/V-ing: Tôi rất thích làm gì → I am quite keen on playing basketball after work.
  • I am really big into …: Tôi rất thích làm gì đó/ hoạt động nào đó → Unlike my brothers, I am really big into outdoor activities.
  • I’ve taken up a hobby/ V-ing: Tôi mới bắt đầu một sở thích mới/ bắt đầu làm gì → Recently I’ve taken up a new hobby, it’s knitting!
  • In my free time/ spare time, I…: Trong thời gian rảnh rỗi, tôi… (làm gì đó) → In my free time, I usually read books and play with my dogs.
  • When I have free time, I… : Khi có thời gian rảnh rỗi, tôi…→ When I have free time, I usually relax and unwind on the couch.

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4. Cách trả lời chủ đề What do you do in your free time?

What do you do in your free time
Cách trả lời chủ đề What do you do in your free time?

Mời bạn nghe Audio “Cách trả lời chủ đề What do you do in your free time?” tại đây nhé!

Dưới đây là câu trả lời mẫu cho một số câu hỏi chủ đề “What do you do in your free time?”

Sample 1:

I engage in a variety of activities, I’d say. Typically, when I have some free time, I opt for a leisurely walk in the nearby park. This allows me to breathe in fresh air and rejuvenate myself.

Sample 2:

That sounds wonderful! In my leisure time, I take pleasure in immersing myself in books, dedicating time to yoga practice, and cherishing moments with my friends and family.

Sample 3:

I typically find relaxation in activities such as watching TV shows, delving into books, and immersing myself in music. When the weather is favorable, I also relish going for walks or spending quality time outdoors.

Sample 4:

I’m approaching my 19th birthday and have completed my first year of university. Currently, I’m enjoying a holiday break, which grants me a lot of spare time. While having free time is certainly pleasant, it does come with a challenge, especially for a student like me – the financial constraint. When you find yourself with ample free time but limited financial resources, it can lead to moments of boredom.

To structure my days, I’ve established a routine. I kickstart my mornings with a trip to the gym, a ritual that consumes around two hours, including commute and post-workout preparations. In the afternoons, I allocate an hour for reading, a habit I cherish deeply.

In addition to these activities, I have a fondness for historical documentaries, which aligns with my academic pursuit in history. I derive valuable insights and knowledge from these documentaries, and I dedicate about one and a half hours to watching them four or five times a week.

Nevertheless, these pursuits still leave a considerable amount of idle time in my day. During these moments, boredom tends to creep in, and I sometimes find myself indulging in video games for extended periods. While I do enjoy gaming, I acknowledge that it may not be the most productive use of my time. Consequently, I’m eager to discover more constructive activities to fill my days. Unfortunately, this endeavor is challenged by my residence in a small town, which offers limited options for engagement.

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5. Những câu hỏi liên quan chủ đề What do you do in your free time?

Cách trả lời câu hỏi What do you do in your free time 
Cách trả lời câu hỏi What do you do in your free time 

Mời bạn nghe Audio “Những câu hỏi liên quan chủ đề What do you do in your free time?” tại đây nhé!

5.1. What do you do in your spare time?

Sample 1:

For the most part, I write – or at least try to. I’ve been slacking off lately, despite the fact that my goal is to finish the draft of my current project by next month. Even though people who can’t see what I’m doing sneer at me for being on the computer all day, I consider writing to be a productive hobby.

  • To slack off (v): buông lơi, lo ra (khi đang làm gì đó)
  • Draft (n): bản nháp
  • To sneer (v): chế nhạo
  • Productive (adj): năng suất

Sample 2:

I’ve always had a deep love for music, and whenever I find myself with some free time, I simply slip on my earphones and lose myself in the melodies of my favorite songs. For me, music serves as a refuge from the hustle and bustle of life, offering both relaxation and a sense of therapeutic comfort.

5.2. Do you think that you have enough free time?

Not much. Sometimes I wish that each day would last at least 50 hours. There is so much more I could do, like read more books, travel, talk on the phone, or even just watch a few movies and recharge my batteries. Due to my heavy workload recently, I really don’t have enough time for myself.

  • To last (v): kéo dài
  • To recharge one’s batteries (v): lấy lại, hồi phục năng lượng
  • Workload (n): lượng công việc

Xem thêm: Bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh

5.3. Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?

It depends. For example, when it comes to relaxing after work, I’d rather stay at home and do nothing. On other occasions, however, I believe that spending time with a group of friends can be a lot of fun. You know what they say: the more the merrier.

  • Occasion (n): trường hợp, tình huống
  • The more the merrier: càng đông càng vui

5.4. How do the women in your family usually spend their free time?

My mother and my aunt would kill time by knitting and chatting with each other, while my grandmother enjoys watching videos on Youtube and my sisters just simply draw pictures, as a way of letting their hair down after a long week of working and studying.

  • To kill time (v): giết thời gian
  • To knit (v): đan (len)
  • To let one’s hair down (v): thư giãn, “xõa”

5.5. Do you have much free time?

Actually, not really. My plate is quite full with university assignments, and I’m juggling two part-time jobs simultaneously. Consequently, my personal time is rather limited. Nonetheless, I make a conscious effort to allocate some time for leisure activities every day to maintain a sense of balance.

5.6. Do you think spare time is a waste of time?

No, absolutely not. Free time is a precious opportunity to recharge our batteries. It can be dedicated to enriching our social lives or simply allowing us to relax and unwind after long, arduous days of work.

5.7. What should young kids do in their free time?

I would like to underscore the significance of allowing children to enjoy themselves during their free time. At their age, it’s crucial to minimize academic pressure and grant them the freedom to participate in activities that bring them joy and entertainment.

5.8. What is your favorite hobby in your spare time?

My preferred pastime during my free moments involves painting. I’ve invested in a sketchbook and a high-quality set of brushes. I find that painting serves as a creative outlet, allowing me to nurture and refine my artistic abilities.

5.9. Do you think you have less free time than before?

No, not really. During my high school years, I didn’t hold a part-time job, but I was enrolled in several extra classes. My mother enrolled me in math, English, and physics classes, so my schedule was quite packed back then, much more so than it is now.

5.10. What did you do in your free time in the past?

Well, painting has always been my go-to activity during my free time. However, when I was younger, I used to take my dog for a half-hour walk as well. It was genuinely therapeutic and relaxing to observe my dog playing around in the park.

5.11. Have you ever wasted your spare time?

Yes, I certainly have. In fact, I believe everyone has experienced moments of idleness at some point. There have been days when I simply felt like indulging in laziness, allowing myself the luxury of lounging in my bedroom and immersing myself in music.

Trên đây là bài viết về cách trả lời câu hỏi IELTS Speaking part 1 What do you do in your free time? Hy vọng sau khi tham khảo bài viết, các bạn đã có thể tham khảo nhiều từ vựng và ý tưởng hay cho chủ đề này. Vietop chúc các bạn học tốt và hẹn các bạn ở những bài viết sau!

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