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Bài mẫu Describe a good decision you made recently – IELTS Speaking part 2, part 3

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GV. Đinh Huỳnh Quế Dung - IELTS 8.5 Overall

GV tại IELTS Vietop.

Describe a good decision you made recently là dạng đề bài khá mới lạ so với thí sinh đang ôn thi IELTS Speaking Part 2. Vì vậy, để làm tốt được dạng đề này, thí sinh cần bám sát định hướng đề bài yêu cầu, từ đó vận dụng từ vựng và cấu trúc liên quan đến chủ đề để trả lời trọng tâm câu hỏi. Hôm nay, Vietop sẽ cung cấp cho bạn những bài mẫu về dạng đề này trong IELTS Speaking Part 2, Part 3 Sample: Describe a good decision you made recently.

IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a good decision you made recently

IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a good decision you made recently
IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a good decision you made recently

Phân tích đề bài

Describe a good decision you made recently.
You should say:
What it was
When you made it
What the result was
And explain how you felt about it

Mở đầu bài nói, thí sinh cần trả lời đúng trọng tâm về quyết định mà bạn tạo ra gần đây là gì. Thí sinh nên tập trung khai thác mặt bối cảnh, thời gian, câu chuyện đằng sau quyết định đó. Lưu ý sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn để nói về chủ đề này.

Tiếp đó, thí sinh cần tập trung mô tả một cách chính xác về kết quả mà quyết định đó đem lại là gì. Kết quả đó có giống với những gì mà mình đã dự định hay không?

Cuối cùng là phần cảm nhận của bản thân về quyết định đó. Đây là phần thí sinh vận dụng đa dạng tính từ để mô tả cảm xúc.

Xem ngay: Cách phát âm đuôi ed trong tiếng Anh chuẩn nhất

Dàn bài

What it wasGet up early to prepare for a significant exam
When you made itOne night, I came to the conclusion that taking action would increase my chances of success.
What the result wasI woke up the following morning feeling drowsy and exhausted. I kept getting up early and studying hard for the next couple of days. I felt a lot more assured and prepared on the exam day than I had in the past.
How you felt about itI’m pleased with the choice I made.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a good decision you made recently

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 2 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

One wise choice I recently made was to get up early to prepare for a significant exam. I was finding it difficult to understand the content, and I was concerned that I wouldn’t be well-prepared for the exam, which was coming up soon.

One night, I came to the conclusion that taking action would increase my chances of success. In order to have more time to study in the morning, I made the decision to set my alarm clock for several hours earlier than normal. I woke up the following morning feeling drowsy and exhausted, but I coerced myself out of bed so I could go to work studying. I discovered that the early morning hours were serene and quiet, and I was much more able to concentrate than I had been in the evenings.

I kept getting up early and studying hard for the next couple of days. I went over my notes, worked on practice problems, and asked my lecturers and fellow students for assistance when I needed it. I felt a lot more assured and prepared on the exam day than I had in the past. I was able to recollect crucial knowledge and use it to answer the test questions, which helped me to achieve a high exam result.

When I reflect on this experience, I’m pleased with the choice I made. It was a minor loss of time and convenience, but it had a significant impact on both my exam performance and academic progress as a whole.

Xem thêm bài mẫu Speaking:

Vocabulary Highlights

  • Come to the conclusion (v): đi đến kết luận
  • Drowsy (adj): buồn ngủ
  • Coerce oneself out of bed (v): buộc mình ra khỏi giường
  • Serene (adj): thanh thản
  • Go over sb’s notes (v): lướt qua các ghi chú
  • Assured (adj): chắc chắn, đảm bảo
  • Recollect crucial knowledge (v): nhớ lại những kiến thức quan trọng
  • Reflect on (v): nhớ lại, hồi tưởng lại
  • Be pleased with (adj): hài lòng với
  • A minor loss of time and convenience (n): một sự mất mát nhỏ về thời gian và sự thuận tiện
  • Academic progress (n): tiến độ học tập

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IELTS Speaking part 3 Describe a good decision you made recently

IELTS Speaking part 3 Describe a good decision you made recently
IELTS Speaking part 3 Describe a good decision you made recently

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 3 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

1. What kinds of decisions do people usually make in their daily life?

Most people have to make the decision of what to wear every day. How to dress, including what kind of shirt, color of pants, style of shoes, and accessories. Many people take a long time to decide which options to pursue. Mark Zukerberg, the creator of Facebook, is an unusual exception since he opts to wear the same blue shirt, pair of pants, and pair of running shoes every day so that he can focus on the more crucial choices.

  • An unusual exception (n): một ngoại lệ bất thường
  • Opt to V (v): chọn làm gì

2. What should people do when making a hard decision?

People ought to take their time and consider all their options when faced with a difficult choice. The cause is that in stressful situations, people often experience an adrenaline surge and are unable to make the optimal choices. They can reduce the impact of hormones and have more time to think things through by slowing things down. Additionally, as it cultivates awareness and purges the mind of extraneous thoughts to support people in making wiser decisions, meditation is another method of achieving mental clarity

  • Adrenaline surge (n): sự gia tăng của nội tiết tố
  • Optimal choices (n): lựa chọn tối ưu
  • Cultivate (v): cày cấy
  • Extraneous thoughts (n): suy nghĩ không liên quan
  • Mental clarity (n): sự minh mẫn tinh thần

Để có thêm những ý tưởng, kết nối từ vựng và ngữ pháp một cách logic để chinh phục giám khảo trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2,3? Đừng quên khám phá những bí quyết thú vị cùng luyện thi IELTS tại IELTS Vietop.

Với đa dạng các khóa học IELTS và các khóa học được thiết kế theo từng độ tuổi và trình độ, sẽ cung cấp cho bạn những chiến lược học tập hiệu quả và tài liệu ôn tập phong phú. Bằng cách theo học các khóa học này, bạn không chỉ cải thiện khả năng speaking mà còn tự tin hơn khi đối mặt với các phần khác của kỳ thi IELTS. Hãy đăng ký ngay hôm nay để nhận nhiều ưu đãi hấp dẫn.

3. Do you think it is easier to make a decision by yourself or by discussing it with others?

Most of the time, making decisions on my own is simpler because I don’t have to argue with anyone and can simply do things how I want. But of course, when my choice has an impact on those nearby, things become a little more complicated. For instance, it is quite challenging for me to decide what is best for everyone when I have to plan a trip for a group of friends. Some people would choose to travel close to the city, while others could favor a low-cost hotel, and so on. Simply having a discussion with everyone in such circumstances is considerably simpler.

  • Have a discussion with (v): bàn luận với

4. Why do you think many young people don’t like to follow their parents’ advice?

Youngsters naturally have a predisposition to disregard parental guidance, especially throughout the teenage years. This alleged teenage rebellion is a natural aspect of maturation as adolescents search for their individuality and unique personalities. breaking the law, speeding, disobeying authority figures, etc. Although these disrespectful behaviors can test a parent’s tolerance, they are occasionally necessary for a child’s growth and, by the time an adolescent reaches maturity, they will have mostly disappeared.

  • Predisposition (n): khuynh hướng
  • Disregard parental guidance: bỏ qua sự hướng dẫn của cha mẹ
  • Alleged teenage rebellion (n): dấu hiệu nổi loạn tuổi teen
  • Maturation (n): trưởng thành
  • Adolescents (n): thanh thiếu niên
  • Disobeying authority figures: không tuân theo yếu tố thẩm quyền
  • Tolerance (n): sức chịu đựng

5. What should people do to make better decisions?

The everyday practice of mindfulness can help you make better decisions. This is due to the constant barrage of extraneous information, ideas, and thoughts that could skew people’s judgment. For instance, if music, street noises, reports from other departments, and unrelated phone conversations constantly enter a manager’s thoughts, he would find it extremely difficult to make a significant financial commitment. A potential treatment is mindfulness practice, such as meditation, which might help people make better decisions by clearing their minds of all unimportant ideas.

  • Constant barrage (n): chướng ngại liên tục
  • Extraneous information (n): thông tin không liên quan
  • Skew people’s judgment (v): làm sai lệch phán đoán của mọi người

6. When do people change their decision?

When faced with a better option or when confronted with facts that contradicts their previous beliefs, people often change their minds.

  • Face with (v): đối mặt với
  • Contradicts (n): mâu thuẫn

7. Why do people make decisions? 

The idea that we have free will is supported by the straightforward act of choosing. We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of our decision before dealing with its effects. Missing or insufficient knowledge, pressing deadlines, and a lack of available physical or emotional resources are some factors that limit one’s capacity to make wise judgments.

  • Straightforward act (n): hành động thẳng thắn
  • Analyze the advantages and disadvantages (v): phân tích ưu nhược điểm
  • Pressing deadlines (n): thời hạn cấp bách

Hy vọng rằng qua bài viết này, bạn đã có thêm vốn từ vựng cũng như cấu trúc sử dụng cho dạng đề bài Describe a good decision you made recently. Bên cạnh về chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2, Part 3 Sample: Describe a good decision you made recently, bạn cũng có thể tham khảo thêm một số chủ đề khác thường hay gặp trong IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Part 3 ở Vietop. Chúc bạn chinh phục IELTS thành công!

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