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Bài mẫu topic Customer service IELTS Speaking (Full 3 part)

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GV. Đinh Huỳnh Quế Dung - IELTS 8.5 Overall

GV tại IELTS Vietop.

Luyện thi IELTS Vietop gửi đến bạn bài mẫu IELTS Speaking về chủ đề Customer service, nếu bạn đang bị thiếu ý tưởng hoặc từ vựng cho chủ đề này thì nhớ lấy giấy bút note lại nhé!

IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Cinemas

Topic Customer service: IELTS Speaking
Bài mẫu topic Customer service IELTS Speaking (Full 3 part)


1. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

No, I did not. When I was younger the cinema was not even a thing. The only media platform available was the TV and a Blu-ray player that ran on a compact disc. Ahh… I cannot forget all the memories my siblings and I had back then, watching cartoons while sipping a hot cup of chocolate in cold evenings. 

  • Not a thing: không tồn tại, không có thật 

2. Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?

I’m a big movie fan, so no wonder why I would visit the cinema every 2 weeks. Even though movie streaming platforms are all the rage right now, the theater still gives me an entirely different experience from that of home because I get to enjoy a larger display, as well as higher-quality sound and visual effects. 

  • Be all the rage: phổ biến, thịnh hành 

3. Do you still like watching movies that you liked when you were a kid?

For sure. I guess my movie taste hasn’t changed that much since I was a little kid. Back then I was so into Disney movies because of their happy-sounding songs and eye-catching visual effects. But not until I grew up did I realize they are even more appealing, due to their stellar storytelling and emotional resonance

  • Eye-catching (adj): bắt mắt
  • Stellar (adj): xuất sắc
  • Emotional resonance: sự đọng lại về cảm xúc

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IELTS Speaking part 2: Describe a good service you received in a company or a store/ shop

Describe a good service you received in a company or a store shop
Describe a good service you received in a company or a store shop

You should say:

  • What the service was
  • When you received it
  • Who you were with

And explain how you felt about it


Today I would like to talk about how satisfied I was when receiving good customer service from a mobile phone shop a couple of months ago. 

That day I was on the go when I received an important phone call from my boss. While I was busy talking on the phone, a young boy hit me from behind with his bicycle, causing me losing my control and eventually dropping my phone. It was a strong and versatile device, but not strong enough to sustain the crushing pressure, so its display and touch screen were both broken in seconds.

I wasn’t ready to let go of my little old electronic gadget, which I had kept safe for about 4 years, just yet. I then decided to take it to a phone shop, where a young good-looking seller appeared and greeted me with a glowing smile. After exchanging pleasantries, I explained to the technician that I wanted to get it fixed.

Unfortunately, the store didn’t have any spare parts of this device anywhere in the country, as it was an old model. However, the store manager showed up and told me that if I was ready to allow him extra time, he could buy the “display” and “touch screen” from another country to best fit my phone. I told him to go ahead and do whatever it would take to fix it. 

After about 2 weeks, I was able to get my phone back, despite having to shell out some extra money. But overall I was content with the service provided, as the salesperson and his manager both showed the utmost professionalism, salesmanship and customer care, which went beyond my expectations. The manager even offered me some vouchers for my next purchase. But for their help, I wouldn’t have been able to keep all the photos and important information on my smartphone. 

Luyện tập IELTS Speaking với bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2IELTS Speaking part 3 nhé!

  • Be on the go: trên đường đi 
  • Versatile (adj): đa năng 
  • Let go of từ bỏ 
  • Exchange pleasantries: chào hỏi xã giao
  • Shell out: (miễn cưỡng) trả tiền 
  • Utmost (adj): hết mực
  • Professionalism (n): sự chuyên nghiệp 
  • Go beyond one’s expectations: vượt xa sự trông đợi 

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Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 3 topic Customer services 

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 3 topic Customer services 
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 3 topic Customer services 


1. Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?

Of course. Your customers can’t get into your head and they’ll make assumptions based on your social media presence or advertisements. Your customer service team, however, is where you have more control over your brand image.

These individuals speak directly to your customers and they have the responsibility of representing your brand when interacting with current or potential buyers. A strong customer service team is essential in relaying to customers what you want your brand image to be and it can help influence customers and convince them of your strengths over competitors.

  • Make assumptions: đưa ra suy đoán 
  • Brand image (n): hình ảnh thương hiệu 

2. What products or services do people in your country usually complain about?

As far as I’m concerned, people in my country often complain about electricity and gasoline prices. There are only a few companies that provide these services here so there’s not much of a variety for people to choose from.

Although complaints are lodged regularly, oftentimes people just have to play along with the surge of prices that mainly derives from the changes in social behaviors or social relations. Due to this monopoly, people are put between a rock and a hard place, where they have to choose whether to give up on the use of amenities or to bite the bullet and try harder to make ends meet.  

  • Lodge a complaint: phàn nàn 
  • Play along with s.o/ chấp nhận 
  • Surge (n): sự tăng vọt
  • Monopoly (n): sự độc quyền 
  • Be put between a rock and a hard place: bị đưa vào tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan 
  • Bite the bullet: nhẫn nhịn chịu đựng 
  • Make ends meet: kiếm tiền để sống 

Xem ngay: Khóa học IELTS Cấp tốc – Cam kết tăng ít nhất 0.5 – 1.0 band score SAU 1 THÁNG HỌC

3. Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?

Yes, for sure. First of all, when you initially introduce a new product, brand, or service to market you surely have an idea about customers’ needs, rather than your own. Then only after your customers use your product or service can you learn about all the advantages, flaws, and their actual experience and come up with the best solutions for each case.

As their needs and expectations evolve with time, you would have more ideas to upgrade your services to the next levels. Customers’ opinions help you ensure that the end product will actually meet their expectations, solve their problems and fulfill their needs.

  • Come up with nghĩ ra
  • Evolve (v): tiến hoá, phát triển  
  • Meet one’s expectations: đáp ứng kì vọng
  • Fulfill one’s needs: đáp ứng nhu cầu 

4. What kinds of jobs involve coping with the public?

The first one must be teachers, I suppose. This is an unexpendable profession and I’m certain we’ve all met at least one teacher in our lifetime. Teachers are those who take on the responsibility of imparting knowledge to future generations. It’s a job that requires a lot of public speaking because, without effective communication, teaching is not as effective. You must be able to express your ideas and concepts clearly to your students with confidence.

Another job would be politicians, for sure, as they are public figures who are always under the scrutiny of the masses, so they simply cannot be lousy public speakers. From election campaigns to political debates, politicians spend a lot of their time delivering speeches on a myriad of topics. As a politician or policymaker, speeches can actually make a world of difference.

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Các dạng câu hỏi trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 thường gặp

  • Unexpendable (adj): không thể bị tiêu biến 
  • Impart knowledge: truyền đạt kiến thức
  • Scrutiny (n): sự soi xét
  • Masses (n): quần chúng 
  • Lousy (adj): kém, tệ
  • A myriad of rất nhiều 
  • Make a world of difference: tạo nên sự khác biệt rất lớn 

5. What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?

I guess the kind of thing that people in my country mostly like to complain about is the quality of the food and service in a restaurant. When people go to a restaurant, they expect to get a good meal and good quality service from the waiter. I think that would be the most common type of complaint in my country, you know, things like “the food is too cold” or “the waiter was rude”, things like that. Other than that, I guess people might complain about a faulty product that breaks quickly after buying it, or about the time it takes for something to be delivered is a common complaint too.

  • Faulty product: Sản phẩm bị lỗi.


Với bài mẫu IELTS Speaking về topic Customer service trên hy vọng sẽ giúp ích được cho bạn trong quá trình học IELTS. Nếu bạn có thắc mắc về bài viết trên hãy để lại bình luận bên dưới để được giải đáp nhé! Và nếu đang băn khoăn không biết phương pháp luyện IELTS hiệu quả thì hãy tham khảo Khóa học IELTS 1 kèm 1 – Chỉ 1 thầy và 1 trò, cam kết đầu ra.

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