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Talk about an English speaking country – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2, part 3

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GV. Nguyễn Hoàng Anh Tuấn - IELTS 8.5 Overall

GV tại IELTS Vietop.

Talk about an English speaking country là dạng đề bài không còn quá xa lạ đối với các bạn đang ôn luyện IELTS nữa. Tuy nhiên, để có thể làm tốt chủ đề này, thí sinh cần nắm chắc từ vựng và cấu trúc về chủ đề Country (Đất nước). Hôm nay, IELTS Vietop sẽ cung cấp cho bạn bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, Part 3: Talk about an English speaking country.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Talk about an English speaking country

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about an english speaking country
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about an English speaking country

Đề bài talk about an English speaking country

Talk about an English speaking country. You should say:
Which country it is
What you already know about this country
When you want to visit this country
And explain why you want to visit this country

Mở đầu bài nói, thí sinh cần đi thẳng vào trọng tâm đó là đất nước nào, có thể nêu qua một vài điều thú vị về đất nước đó để dẫn dắt vào bài. Thí sinh không nên quá sa đà vào việc kể lể, dẫn đến tình trạng dài dòng trong bài nói.

Tiếp đó, thí sinh cần nêu một số điểm đặc biệt về đất nước đó. Thí sinh có thể trả lời một số câu hỏi phụ như: Tiếng Anh được sử dụng như thế nào ở đất nước đó? Tầm quan trọng của tiếng Anh đối với quốc gia ấy là gì?

Cuối cùng, thí sinh thể hiện ước muốn được đi đến đất nước đó khi nào và giải thích tại sao muốn đến thăm quốc gia ấy. 

Sample: Talk about an English speaking country

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 2 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

One of the nations that speak English is the UK. Scotland, Wales, and England make up the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland is included in the UK. Here, people have quite calm lives. Although there are many celebrations, my favorite is the cake festival.

In the UK, individuals typically celebrate pastry festivals on the third day of confession, the day before the Vegetarian Festival Lent. Christianity observed a 40-day vegetarian fast in the fourth century, during which time people were eating and exercising. Before Lent officially starts, many people enjoy themselves and eat their fill. And because it is necessary to eat the forbidden fat throughout Lent, the third day of confession is frequently referred to as the feast of feasts. In order to prepare delectable cakes, everyone removed the eggs and other daily food from the kitchen.

When the bell rings, a woman starts creating pastries with each bite, which is how the celebration got its start. She merely consumed a cake before rushing into the church so as not to be late. Since then, the locals hold festivals dedicated to pastries. But only women are allowed to participate in this run. You will enter the church on the predetermined path and be required to throw hot cake into your hand at least three times. The winner will be the first one to arrive at the location.

It is also a very well-known and stunning country. I am crossing off everything I had planned to do once we arrived in the UK off my bucket list. If you haven’t already, you should check off one of your UK bucket list items: exploring the city of the dreaming spires. Oxford is the most beautiful city in the UK. Buckingham Palace, which is perched in a magnificent site and has a view of St. James’s Park is a must-see attraction for anybody traveling to London. The Royal Family resides there, and it serves as the Queen’s official London residence.

The UK is a stunning location with a ton of things to see and do.

Vocabulary Highlight

  • Pastry festivals (n): lễ hội bánh ngọt
  • Vegetarian Festival Lent (n): lễ hội chay
  • Christianity (n): Cơ đốc giáo
  • Eat sb’s fill (v): ăn no
  • The forbidden fat (n): chất béo bị cấm
  • Feast (n): tiệc
  • Delectable (adj): ngon lành
  • Predetermined (adj): định trước
  • Cross off (v): hoàn thành
  • Bucket list (n): danh sách những điều cần làm
  • Be perched in: ngụ tại
  • Magnificent (adj): tráng lệ
  • Stunning (adj): kinh ngạc

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IELTS Speaking Part 3: Talk about an english speaking country

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Talk about an english speaking country
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Talk about an English speaking country

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 3 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

1. Why do Vietnamese people like to travel abroad?

From my point of view, there are several reasons why Vietnamese people enjoy traveling abroad. They first want to extend their horizons and learn more about other cultures. Second, maybe people just need a different environment to unwind; taking a trip to an exotic location can help them take a break from daily life and concentrate more on themselves.

  • Extend sb’s horizons (v): mở rộng vốn hiểu biết
  • Unwind (v): thư giãn
  • Exotic (adj): kỳ lạ

Xem thêm bài mẫu Speaking:

2. How do people benefit from international travel?

Foreign travel offers several benefits to people. I think one of the best ways for them to escape the stress of their regular lives would be to move to a new nation. They might also have the chance to meet and become friends with others who share their interests. Actually, they have a fantastic opportunity to increase the size of their social network.

  • Escape the stress of sb’s regular lives: thoát khỏi sự căng thẳng của cuộc sống thường xuyên của họ
  • Increase the size of sb’s social network: tăng quy mô mạng lưới xã hội

Xem thêm: Cách phát âm ed trong tiếng Anh chuẩn

3. Would you travel around the world in the future? Why or why not?

I’d reply “no.” Despite having wanderlust and a desire to see the world, it seems out of my price range. I doubt that working a nine to five job as my main source of income would allow me to travel abroad. Perhaps traveling to some locations in Vietnam would make more sense for me.

  • Wanderlust (n): thích lang thang
  • Out of sb’s price range: ngoài tầm giá

Xem thêm:

4. Why do people want to learn a foreign language?

Due to several evident benefits, learning a foreign language is no longer just a pastime but also a trend in contemporary society. Speaking more than one language can increase a job seeker’s options, especially if that language is frequently utilized in a professional setting. With respectable pay, you will be able to work for both national and international corporations. Being bilingual or multilingual will also enable you to expand your social network globally.

While traveling, you can develop close relationships and cross-cultural friendships with locals or foreign coworkers. Finally, the learning activity itself will have a positive impact on your brain. According to research, learning a second language changes your gray matter, which boosts your mental capacity.

  • Contemporary society (n)P xã hội đương thời
  • Respectable (adj): đáng kính
  • Bilingual (adj): song ngữ
  • Multilingual (adj): đa ngôn ngữ 
  • Cross-cultural friendships (n): tình bạn xuyên văn hóa
  • Gray matter (n): chất xám
  • Boost sb’s mental capacity (v): tăng cường năng lực tinh thần 

5. Do you think that English is difficult to learn?

I believe that any single language, including English, is challenging to master. Although learning grammar and vocabulary may be simple, speaking a language fluently takes a lot of practice.

  • Challenging (adj): mang tính thử thách
  • Master (v): thuần thục

6. Do you think foreigners should learn your country’s language when they arrive there?

I believe it’s in their best interests to learn a few fundamental words or phrases in the native tongue. First of all, attempting to interact with the natives in their own tongue is an intriguing experience. The thrill is in trying, even if you mess up the words. As a result, thanks to your efforts and sense of humor, people will find you more approachable and charismatic. Furthermore, since language is a fundamental component of every culture, studying various modes of communication can help you gain a better understanding of different cultures.

  • Native tongue (n): tiếng mẹ đẻ
  • Intriguing (adj): hấp dẫn
  • The thrill is in trying: Sự hồi hộp là khi cố gắng
  • Approachable (adj): dễ gần
  • Charismatic (adj): lôi cuốn

Muốn chinh phục bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 nhưng thiếu tài liệu?

Hãy đăng ký nhận thêm các bài mẫu IELTS Speaking theo chủ đề khác nhau hoàn toàn MIỄN PHÍ! Điền tên, số điện thoại vào form dưới đây để nhận ngay bài mẫu về chủ đề “Talk about an English speaking country” cùng hướng dẫn chi tiết cách trả lời cho cả Part 2 & Part 3.

Bằng cách này, bạn sẽ có thể:

  • Nắm vững cấu trúc bài thi Speaking Part 2 & 3
  • Mở rộng vốn từ vựng và cách diễn đạt về các nước nói tiếng Anh
  • Tự tin bước vào phòng thi với những bài mẫu hay và hướng dẫn chi tiết

Đừng bỏ lỡ cơ hội này! Đăng ký ngay!

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Hy vọng rằng qua bài viết này, bạn đã có thêm vốn từ vựng cũng như cấu trúc sử dụng cho dạng đề bài Talk about an english speaking country. Bên cạnh về chủ đề Talk about an english speaking country – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, Part 3, bạn cũng có thể tham khảo thêm một số chủ đề khác thường hay gặp trong IELTS Speaking Part 1, IELTS Speaking Part 2IELTS Speaking Part 3 ở Vietop. Chúc bạn chinh phục IELTS thành công!

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