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Talk about ways of communication now and in the future – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 

Cố vấn học thuật

GV. Nguyễn Hoàng Anh Tuấn - IELTS 8.5 Overall

GV tại IELTS Vietop.

Talk about ways of communication now and in the future là dạng đề bài không còn quá xa lạ đối với các bạn đang ôn luyện thi IELTS nữa. Tuy nhiên, để có thể làm tốt chủ đề này, thí sinh cần nắm chắc từ vựng và cấu trúc về chủ đề Communication (Giao tiếp). Hôm nay, Vietop sẽ cung cấp cho bạn bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3: Talk about ways of communication now and in the future.

IELTS Speaking part 1: Talk about ways of communication now and in the future

Talk about ways of communication now and in the future - Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 
Talk about ways of communication now and in the future – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 1 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

1. Which is your favorite way to communicate? Why?

Text texts are my go-to communication method. I now prefer text messages to phone calls since, in contrast to phone calls, the person you are contacting doesn’t feel forced to respond right away. If they’re engaged in anything, it can take them a few hours to respond, but the discussion will still continue.

  • Go-to communication method (n): phương thức giao tiếp yêu thích

2. Do people keep in touch differently now compared to fifty years ago?

Of course, individuals increasingly use both the Internet and mobile devices. No one in my tight circle of friends had a mobile phone when I was a teenager. In today’s society, having one is seen as necessary, and not having one would make you feel ostracized. But as I’ve already said, I think face-to-face contact is superior to using technology. The advantages of “traditional” communication are numerous.

  • Tight circle of friends (n): vòng tròn bạn bè chặt chẽ
  • Ostracized (adj): tẩy chay
  • Be superior to (adj): vượt trội so với

Hãy nâng cao điểm thi IELTS Speaking của bạn với các bài mẫu mới nhất!

Để lại tên, số điện thoại gmail của bạn bên dưới để nhận thông báo khi bài viết mẫu mới được đăng tải HOÀN TOÀN MIỄN PHÍ.

Bạn cũng có thể yêu cầu chủ đề bài mẫu bạn quan tâm!


Xem thêm: Cách phát âm đuôi ed trong tiếng Anh chuẩn

3. How do you think will people communicate in the future?

I believe that only technology will be used for communication. Most likely, people will talk to one another mentally. Technologies will exist that enable people to convey their ideas to others. It might even be possible for people to communicate and interact electronically with one another.

  • Convey (v): truyền tải
  • Interact electronically: tương tác điện tử

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IELTS Speaking part 2: Talk about ways of communication now and in the future

Đối với dạng đề bài này, thí sinh cần làm rõ được sự khác biệt trong giao tiếp hiện nay và giao tiếp trong tương lai. Vì vậy, thí sinh nên chỉ ra được đặc điểm tiến bộ trong giao tiếp hiện nay có những ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến đời sống con người hiện nay. 

Thí sinh có thể lựa chọn nói nhiều cách giao tiếp cùng một lúc hoặc chỉ tập trung vào một loại hình giao tiếp nổi bật. Tuy nhiên, dù lựa chọn hình thức nào thì thí sinh vẫn cần tập trung vào những đặc điểm chính, tránh trường hợp rơi vào sa đà, khiến bài nói trở nên dài dòng.

Sample: Talk about ways of communication now and in the future

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 2 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

The means of communication we use today were merely the stuff of science fiction fifty years ago. With a smartphone, you can do more than most speculative fiction writers dared to imagine: you can make calls, browse the web, play games, run apps, and more. So what comes next?

In the near future, we’ll probably notice a gradual disappearance of older cell phones. More people will use cellphones as they become more widely available and more affordable. It happens gradually. Like with most new technology, the early adopters are usually a group of enthusiastic users. Sometimes the broader public will adopt the innovations of the early adopters; the compact disc is a prime example of this. In other instances, such as with LaserDiscs, the early adopters wind up holding technology that becomes outdated without ever gaining widespread popularity.

Smartphones appear to fall under the first group. The mainstream market for smartphones has been opened up by items like the Apple iPhone and the Android operating system from Google. The first 4G smartphone for a significant carrier in the US debuted in 2010. On Sprint’s WiMAX network, it was the HTC EVO 4G. Compared to other networks, the 4G network enables quicker data transfer rates.

The Internet will keep expanding its influence in communication. Numerous communication products and services already heavily rely on voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). Users are able to communicate with networks of individuals via websites like Facebook and Twitter. People now have a platform from which to address the world thanks to the growth of the Web. Only politicians and famous persons were able to address large crowds of people simultaneously in the past. Now, anyone with access to the Internet can carry out the same action.

Changes in everything from politics to entertainment could result from this. People with ambitions may be able to reach an audience more easily than ever before by using the Web as a communication tool. It might not be long before a candidate who is comparatively unpopular uses the Internet to garner enough support to win the presidency of the United States.

We’ve examined a few very commonplace developments in communication so far.

Hãy kiểm tra trình độ của bạn với bài thi thử IELTS miễn phí của IELTS Vietop! Bài thi thử được mô phỏng chính xác cấu trúc đề thi thật của British Council (BC) và IDP, giúp bạn đánh giá năng lực tiếng Anh một cách toàn diện và chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho kỳ thi chính thức.

Vocabulary Highlights

  • Speculative (adj): đầu cơ
  • Fiction writers (n): nhà văn tiểu thuyết
  • Compact disc (n): đĩa compact
  • Wind up = end up (v): kết thúc
  • Fall under the first group (v): là trường hợp thứ nhất
  • Debut (v): ra mắt
  • Internet protocol (n): Giao thức Internet
  • Simultaneously (adv): đồng thời

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IELTS Speaking part 3: Talk about ways of communication now and in the future

IELTS Speaking part 3 Talk about ways of communication now and in the future
IELTS Speaking part 3 Talk about ways of communication now and in the future

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 3 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

1. How is communication changing between people?

There is little doubt that communication has altered over the past few decades. We can now see each other while speaking instead of having to rely on letters dropped by pigeons. Previously, people would go out and meet each other in person, but thanks to technological advancements, people are now at ease staying in their rooms and communicating via smartphones. See the brief, concise messages now rather than those lengthy letters.

  • Pigeons (n): chim bồ câu
  • At ease (adj): thoải mái
  • The brief, concise messages (n): thông điệp ngắn gọn, súc tích

2. It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t know?

I believe it is acceptable only when done with the goal of getting to know the other person or perhaps just for fun. Because all of our friends, no matter how wonderful they are now, were once strangers. However, if one starts talking to someone they have never met or have no shared interest with, it may often go extremely wrong, especially if they are traveling alone.

  • Share interest with (v): chia sẻ sở thích với

3. How have smartphones changed communication?

With the advent of smartphones, messaging has replaced talking as our primary mode of communication. Calls were used to communicate in the past, but now we have WhatsApp, social media, and so much more at our fingertips. In the past, there was anticipation for the letter that was about to arrive, followed by excitement as one read it and responded. It is now pretty quick. When I want to talk to someone, I can do so in a matter of seconds, get a response, and then continue. Although it has made interactions simpler, I believe the fun of waiting and learning about someone else’s life has been lost.

  • The advent of smartphones (n): sự ra đời của điện thoại thông minh
  • At sb’s fingertips: trong tầm tay
  • Anticipation (n): dự đoán

4. Do you think people can communicate with ghosts and spirits?

I’m not entirely certain. However, I believe that if people claim to be able to communicate with ghosts and spirits, we should investigate this. Since science is unable to explain their existence, if it is possible it suggests that ghosts and spirits really exist. This raises a very important question for science.

  • Investigate (v): khảo sát

5. What is the most basic form of communication?

No matter how much technology develops, I believe that speaking is still the most fundamental method of communication. We are able to interact and establish some enduring friendships and relationships through chatting. However, social media is undoubtedly becoming a fundamental method of human interaction.

  • Human interaction (n): tương tác của con người

Xem thêm bài mẫu Speaking:

Hy vọng rằng qua bài viết này, bạn đã có thêm vốn từ vựng cũng như cấu trúc sử dụng cho dạng đề bài Talk about ways of communication now and in the future. Bên cạnh về chủ đề Talk about ways of communication now and in the future – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3, bạn cũng có thể tham khảo thêm một số chủ đề khác thường hay gặp trong IELTS Speaking Part 1, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Part 3 ở Vietop. Chúc bạn chinh phục IELTS thành công!

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