Với bài viết hôm nay, Vietop mời các bạn cùng tham khảo qua phần bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3 và một số từ vựng liên quan topic Conflict – mâu thuẫn, tranh cãi. Đây là một chủ đề khá khó nên chúng ta hãy cùng chú ý tham khảo kỹ nhé!
1. Từ vựng thường gặp về topic Conflict
Từ vựng | IPA | Ý nghĩa |
Affect | əˈfɛkt | Ảnh hưởng |
Against | əˈgɛnst | Chống lại |
Aggressively | əˈgrɛsɪvli | Tích cực |
Anxiety | æŋˈzaɪəti | Sự lo ngại |
Argument | ˈɑːgjʊmənt | Tranh luận |
Assistance | əˈsɪstəns | Hỗ trợ |
At risk of | æt rɪsk ɒv | Có nguy cơ |
Bicker | ˈbɪkə | Cãi nhau |
Bitter dispute | ˈbɪtə dɪsˈpjuːt | Tranh chấp gay gắt |
Clash | klæʃ | Sự xung đột |
Cold war | kəʊld wɔː | Chiến tranh lạnh |
Conflict | ˈkɒnflɪkt | Xung đột |
Conflict with | ˈkɒnflɪkt wɪð | Xung đột với |
Disagreement | ˌdɪsəˈgriːmənt | Bất đồng ý kiến |
Dispute | dɪsˈpjuːt | Tranh chấp |
Divert from | daɪˈvɜːt frɒm | Chuyển hướng từ |
Emergency | ɪˈmɜːʤənsi | Khẩn cấp |
Fight | faɪt | Gây lộn |
Have a row | hæv ə rəʊ | Có cuộc cãi nhau |
Have an influence on | hæv ən ˈɪnflʊəns ɒn | Có ảnh hưởng đến |
Incompatible | ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl | Không tương thích |
Inevitable | ɪnˈɛvɪtəbl | Không thể tránh khỏi |
Mediator | ˈmiːdɪeɪtə | Người hòa giải |
Obey | əˈbeɪ | Tuân theo |
Pessimistic | ˌpɛsɪˈmɪstɪk | Bi quan |
Pressure | ˈprɛʃə | Sức ép |
Problematic | ˌprɒblɪˈmætɪk | Có vấn đề |
Quarrel | ˈkwɒrəl | Cuộc tranh cãi |
Resolve | rɪˈzɒlv | Giải quyết |
Row | rəʊ | Cuộc cãi nhau |
Solution | səˈluːʃən | Cách giải quyết |
Suffer from | ˈsʌfə frɒm | Chịu đựng |
Under control | ˈʌndə kənˈtrəʊl | Trong tầm kiểm soát, bị kiểm soát |
Violence | ˈvaɪələns | Bạo lực |
Vulnerable | ˈvʌlnərəbl | Dễ bị tổn thương |
2. Một số Idiom và phrase về topic Conflict
Idiom/Phrase | Ý nghĩa |
A conflict of opinion | Xung đột ý kiến |
A fierce argument | Một cuộc tranh cãi gay gắt |
A head-on clash with somebody | Một cuộc đụng độ trực diện với ai đó |
A very heated argument about something | Có cuộc tranh cãi nảy lửa về điều gì đó |
Add fuel to the fire | Đổ thêm dầu vào lửa |
At each other’s throats | Tranh cãi kịch liệt |
Damage one’s feelings | Phá hủy tình cảm, cảm xúc của ai đó |
Difference of opinion = a disagreement | Bất đồng quan điểm |
Family conflict | Mâu thuẫn trong gia đình |
Generation gap | Khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ |
Have a fundamental disagreement about something | Có bất đồng căn bản về điều gì đó |
Keep something at peace | Giữ hòa khí |
Share the character trait | Có đặc điểm tính cách giống nhau |
Strengthen family relationship | Củng cố mối quan hệ gia đình |
3. Bài mẫu topic Conflict – IELTS Speaking part 1
Mời mọi người nghe Audio Topic Conflict – Part 1 tại đây nhé!

3.1. What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?
I believe that my respect for other people helps me a lot since respect is one of the most important characteristics of a healthy relationship. Plus, empathizing with others is also my key to maintaining good social connections.
- Respect (n): tôn trọng
- Characteristic (n): tính cách
- A healthy relationship: một mối quan hệ lành mạnh
- To empathize (v): đồng cảm
- To maintain (v): giữ cho điều gì đó tiếp tục
- A social connection (n): kết nối, quan hệ xã hội
3.2. Do you often have problems with family members?
I hate to admit it but yes, mostly between parents and us children due to the generation gap that always leads our discussions into fierce arguments. Normally, my parents are a little bit conservative while I and my siblings are not fans of being under our parents’ control since we are all adults now, that’s the reason why we’re not usually in harmony.
- The generation gap (n): khoảng cách thế hệ
- A fierce argument (n): một cuộc tranh cãi gay gắt
- Conservative (adj): bảo thủ
- To be not a fan of something: không ưa thích việc gì đó
- To be under one’s control: chịu sự kiểm soát của ai đó
- To be in harmony: hòa hợp
Xem thêm: Khóa học IELTS 1 kèm 1 – Chỉ 1 thầy và 1 trò chắc chắn đạt điểm đầu ra
3.3. Do you think conflicts among family members are unavoidable?
Yes, it’s a natural thing that would happen in your family one day, no matter how much you love each other since we are independent individuals and have different thoughts. Conflict can happen when family members have different views or beliefs that clash, therefore it is inevitable.
- Individual (n): cá nhân
- Belief (n): lý tưởng, tín ngưỡng
- To clash (v): xung đột
- Inevitable (adj): không tránh được = unavoidable
3.4. What behaviour of others hurts you most?
In my experience, the moment when people become hypocritical is when I get irritated the most. I can not stand the way some individuals behave entirely differently in front of me and behind my back, and then I will let them go immediately.
- Hypocritical (adj): đạo đức giả
- To get irritated (v): phát cáu
- Can not (can’t) stand: không chịu nổi, không chấp nhận
- Immediately (adv): ngay lập tức
3.5. When you have upset someone with your actions, what do you try to do?
Well, when I’ve done something that upsets someone — no matter who’s right — I always start the conversation by acknowledging how my actions impacted the other person. Then, of course, an apology is necessary, but it would depend on who is on the right side of the argument. For example, if I was right, then I would just apologise for being rude but not for my own view.
- To acknowledge (v): công nhận, thừa nhận
- To impact (v): ảnh hưởng
- An apology (n): lời xin lỗi
4. Bài mẫu topic Conflict – IELTS Speaking part 2
Mời mọi người nghe Audio Topic Conflict – IELTS Speaking Part 2 tại đây nhé!
Describe a disagreement that you had with another person.
You should say:
- what it was about
- who you had this disagreement with
- how you resolved it
- and explain what happened after the disagreement.
So I’m gonna share with you an experience I had when I was in university. As a student, working on a team project is compulsory, thus naturally I was a member of a study group and having disagreements with other team members was bound to happen.
I vividly remember it was in our French History class and we were assigned to work on a presentation project as a team of 5. After dividing the work, we started working right after that. However, midway through the project, a conflict occurred.
Due to miscommunication, I was dragged into a very heated argument with another member about tracking the source of the documents we found for the presentation. No matter how hard I tried to demonstrate my true opinion, they just wouldn’t understand and accused me of being a poor team member. Things deviated greatly from the plan and I was too frustrated to explain more, thus I had to ask the professor to let me quit the team and work by myself.
In the end, fortunately, thanks to working alone I had put all my mind into my own project and got it done quickly to hand in. It is a nice feeling to see my idea being implemented and taking credit for it. And for the previous team, although they finally realized what I truly meant and apologized to me, it was too late.
- Compulsory (adj): bắt buộc
- To be bound to happen: dĩ nhiên xảy ra
- Vividly (adv): rõ ràng
- To assign (v): giao cho
- Presentation (n): thuyết trình
- To occur (v): xảy ra
- Miscommunication (n): hiểu lầm trong giao tiếp
- A very heated argument (n): một cuộc tranh cãi nảy lửa
- To track (v): theo dõi, theo dấu, lần lại
- To demonstrate (v): giải thích, minh họa
- To deviate (v):đi chệch hướng
- Frustrated (adj): bực bội
- Fortunately (adv): may mắn thay
- To put all one’s mind: đem hết tâm trí đặt vào
- To hand in (v): nộp (bài)
- To be implemented (v): được thực hiện
5. Bài mẫu topic Conflict – IELTS Speaking part 3

Mời mọi người nghe Audio Topic Conflict – IELTS Speaking Part 3 tại đây nhé!
5.1. Do you think arguments are important?
My answer is yes, despite bringing some negative impacts on our feelings, argument truly teaches us how to evaluate and judge evidence and methods of investigation. Furthermore, arguments also allow people to settle disputes and discover the truth.
- To evaluate (v): đánh giá
- To judge (v): phán đoán
- Evidence (n): bằng chứng, dẫn chứng
- Methods (v): phương pháp
- Investigation (n): điều tra, dò xét
- Settle (v): ổn định, giải quyết
- Dispute (n): tranh chấp
5.2. Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why?
To be honest, I would say that relationships have surely taken a back seat in the past few years, due to the fact that people nowadays tend to pursue their ambitions rather than build true social connections. Besides, I think that the development of technology also plays an important role in lengthening the distance between relationships.
- To take a back seat: trở nên yếu dần, kém dần
- Due to the fact that: dựa trên sự thật là
- To pursue (v): theo đuổi
- To lengthen (v): kéo dài
5.3. Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt?
Because some people just naturally know how to get along with others, I believe there is some sort of innateness involved. However, I believe it is not a very huge thing to do if one tries to learn it or makes an effort to get along with people but only if the other person is also interested.
- Innateness (adj): bẩm sinh
- To make an effort (v): nỗ lực
Trên đây là bài mẫu và từ vựng cho phần IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 và 3 Topic Conflict – mâu thuẫn. Vietop hy vọng đã có thể giúp các bạn tham khảo được thêm nhiều từ vựng và ý tưởng để chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho chủ đề phức tạp này. Chúc các bạn luyện thi IELTS tốt!