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Các chủ đề Speaking IELTS Part 3 thường gặp

Với hầu hết các thí sinh, các bạn đều thấy phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3 là phần thi khó nhất, có nhiều trường hợp nhiều thí sinh chưa kịp nhận ra nó bắt đầu từ khi nào cũng như trả lời như thế đã hợp lý hay chưa, do vậy điểm số ở phần này không được cao.

Do đó Vietop đã tổng hợp các các chủ đề Speaking IELTS Part 3 này, hy vọng nó sẽ giúp ích được cho bạn trong quá trình học IELTS Speaking nhé!

Thông tin về phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3

Đây là phần thi cuối cùng trong bài thi IELTS Speaking vì vậy nên được xem là phần “khó ăn” nhất. Và khi thực hiện bài thi này, nhiều thí sinh sẽ cảm thấy lúng túng và bối rối khi trả lời.

Thông thường, ở Part 3 thí sinh sẽ được giám khỏa hỏi các câu hỏi liên quan đến chủ đề Part 2 trước đó. Tuy nhiên, ở Part 3 thì giám khảo sẽ yêu cầu bạn phải thảo luận về vấn đề, ý kiến chuyên sâu hơn. Do vậy, thời gian bài thi sẽ kéo dài khoảng 4-5 phút.

Các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp trong IELTS Speaking Part 3

Các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp ở bài thi IETLS Speaking Part 3
Các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp ở bài thi IETLS Speaking Part 3

Là một “tay” luyện thi IELTS Speaking nhưng bạn đã “trải nghiệm” các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp ở bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 3 chưa? Bạn đã biết cách sử dụng sao cho phù hợp chưa?

Dạng câu hỏi “giving and supporting opinions”


  1. Do you feel that people should apologize for anything wrong they do?
  2. Do you think that children should be forced to wear uniform to school?
  3. Do you believe that traditional letters are a good way to send messages?

Cấu trúc thường dùng để nêu quan điểm:

  • I strongly believe that…
  • I believe/don’t believe that…
  • I am convinced that…
  • I am of the opinion that…

Dạng câu hỏi “evaluating two different points”


  1. Why do some people hold the opinion that it is acceptable to eat meat and others are not?
  2. Why do some people are not good at remembering information while others are not?
  3. Why do some people prefer to travel in groups yet others prefer to travel alone?

Với các dạng câu hỏi đó, bạn nên áp dụng:

  • Cụm từ về số lượng người: A few, Nearly everyone, Almost everyone,…
  • Phân loại theo tuổi tác: Younger generation/ youngsters, The elderly/ the older generation,…
  • Phân loại theo hành vi: People with…; People who have…; The rich/the poor;…
  • Tính từ về ích lợi: Convenient/ beneficial, Rewarding/ challenging/ informative,…
  • Cụm từ về lợi ích: Develop a sense of social responsibility, Enrich their knowledge and open up their horizons,….

Dạng câu hỏi “speculating about future events”


  • How will technology affect the daily lives of humans
  • Some people predict that studying from home will be very popular in the future. Do you agree?
  • Do you think that people in the future will solve many the environmental and social problems that we are still facing nowadays?

Bạn nên áp dụng:

  • Cụm từ thể hiện sự dự đoán: I foresee…; It is probable that….; It is predicted that….
  • Thì tương lai hoàn thành và cụm từ: In the future, In a short time, In our lifetime,…

Dạng câu hỏi “advantages and disadvantages”


  1. Tell me some of the disadvantages of studying abroad
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking sites?
  3. Describe drawbacks of having pets

Nên áp dụng:

  • Đối với câu hỏi”advantages”: One of the main advantages of, One of the main benefits of, Another perk of,…
  • Đối với câu hỏi “disadvantage”: One drawback of, Another disadvantage of, The main disadvantage of,…
  • Các cụm từ theo sau những cụm ở trên: Verb-ing/ noun is you can; Verb-ing/ noun is that you are able to- Verb-ing/ noun is you don’t have to- Verb-ing/ noun is you don’t need to

Loại câu hỏi “past events”


  1. How criminals have changed in recent years in your countries
  2. How has teaching changed in your country over the past few decades?
  3. How has technology revolutionized our lives over the past few years

Các cấu trúc ngữ pháp nên áp dụng:

  • Used toinfinitive: nói về thói quen trong quá khứ nhưng giờ không còn nữa
  • Past simple: nói về sự việc hay hành động từng làm trong quá khứ như không còn làm hay không còn đúng nữa
  • Present perfect continuous: dùng để diễn tả hành động diễn ra trong quá khứ và vẫn còn tiếp diễn ở hiện tại
  • X is + comparative adjective + than + time in the past- X is (not) as + adjective + as + time in the past
  • Past perfect: nói về hành động diễn ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ

Xem thêm: Khóa học IELTS 1 kèm 1 – Chỉ 1 thầy và 1 trò, cam kết đầu ra

“Mẹo” xử lý các tình huống khó trong IELTS Speaking Part 3

Cách xử lý các tình huống khó trong IELTS Speaking Part 3
Cách xử lý các tình huống khó trong IELTS Speaking Part 3

IELTS Speaking Part 1, IELTS Speaking Part 2 xử lý xong nhưng đến Part 3 thì tình huống “khó ăn” hơn thì giải quyết như thế nào đây? Dưới dây là những cách xử lý các tình huống khó trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3 rất hữu ích mà bạn có thể áp dụng.

  • Nếu không hiểu giám khảo đang hỏi gì, hãy yêu cầu lịch sự giám khảo bằng câu nỏi: “Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Can you repeat the question for me? hoặc “Excuse me, can you rephrase the question for me?”.
  • Nếu câu hỏi quá khó hoặc bạn không hề biết gì về nó, hãy xin giám khảo một vài giây suy nghĩ hoặc thú nhận rằng bạn không biết diễn đạt câu hỏi hỏi bằng tiếng Anh như thế nào nhưng vẫn nên đưa ra suy đoán của bạn. Tuy nhiên, cách này chỉ áp dụng với những câu thật sự khó với bạn.
  • Để mở rộng câu trả lời, đầu tiên bạn hãy đưa ra lí do, nguyên nhân. Kế đến là ví dụ và giả định trường hợp ngược lại với “If”.

Hướng dẫn tự học IELTS Speaking Part 3 hiệu quả

Cách tự học IELTS Speaking Part 3 hiệu quả
Cách tự học IELTS Speaking Part 3 hiệu quả

Để học IELTS Speaking một cách hiệu quả, điều bạn cần làm đó là:

  • Thay đổi suy nghĩ về việc học tiếng Anh. Ngôn ngữ là một công cụ để giao tiếp, học một ngôn ngữ mới cần có thời gian, ôn luyện và thực hành mới có thể sử dụng tốt được. Vì vậy, đừng khiến bản thân cảm thấy áp lực bằng cách đặt nặng nó quá.
  • Tập phát âm đúng các từ, các câu và sử dụng đúng ngữ pháp.
  • “Nhại” theo giọng người bản xứ qua các đoạn ghi âm, các video phim,…
  • Thường xuyên giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh với mọi người.

Cụ thể hơn, bạn có thể xem bài viết: Hướng dẫn tự học IELTS Speaking cho người mới bắt đầu từ 0 đến 7.0+ nhé!

Hy vọng với những thông tin trên đã giúp bạn phần nào có sự chuẩn bị tốt cho phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3 của mình nhé!

Các chủ đề Speaking IELTS Part 3 thường gặp

Topic 1: New homes

1. Why do people move to a new home?

Well, this is not difficult to tell. Firstly, people may relocate due to a change in their jobs. A promotion, let’s say, can open up many new opportunities in a person’s life, including reinvesting in himself by moving into a new home in a different city or even a new country. A growing family is another reason why people are settling down in new homes. Adding children to the family structure may require more house space, priorities and expenses, and buying a new home seems to be one of the best ways to reorganize one’s family system. Others, however, move to a different neighborhood simply because they find it daunting to cope with problems around their old homes, including noisy neighbors, filthy streets or inappropriate living conditions.  

  • Settle down: ổn định cuộc sống 
  • Filthy (adj): dơ, bẩn 
  • Cope with giải quyết vấn đề gì đó 

Đối với câu hỏi liệt kê lý do, nên nêu ít nhất 2 ý tưởng (chuyển nhà do thay đổi nơi làm việc, có thêm con cái, hoặc do các vấn đề ở nơi ở cũ,…) và sau đó giải thích bằng 1-2 dẫn chứng, lập luận,… Mỗi khi chuyển ý cần sử dụng các câu chỉ dẫn để báo hiệu. 

2. What problems will people face after moving to a new place?

There will surely be a lot of issues occurring when relocating to a new place. The first thing that comes to my mind is that people would have to take some time to adjust to the local environment, especially when they move to another city or country. Weather, food and culture differences may make one feel like they do not belong to the place, but I believe this problem shall be addressed after a few months. Another nerve-racking experience when moving house will be about making sure you don’t overspend your money on furniture, decoration or utilities. Everyone wants to enhance the comfort and enjoyment within their new homes, but housing services can cost an arm and a leg nowadays.

  • Relocate (v): di dời
  • Address (v): giải quyết
  • Nerve-racking (adj): gây đau đầu
  • Cost an arm and a leg: rất đắt đỏ

Hai vấn đề người ta thường gặp phải khi chuyển nhà đó là khó khăn khi phải thích nghi với môi trường mới và tiêu quá nhiều tiền vào những tiện ích trong nhà. Mỗi vấn đề này nên được thêm sau bằng vài nhận xét hoặc giải pháp để mở rộng ý tưởng. 

3. Is it good to move to a new place frequently? Why?

Well, in my opinion, it depends on what kind of personality a person possesses. If one has itchy feet and is prone to new changes, he or she may find moving to a new place a fascinating experience. Changing one’s residential areas frequently may open education and employment opportunities. However, constantly moving would put your family life under a lot of pressure since they’d have to start a new life all over again. This is particularly harmful to young children, as they would need to start in a new school, try hard to fit in a new social environment and do their best to make new friends. Moving cost is another thing to be taken into consideration, as having to spend savings on packing materials, truck rentals, or professional packers and movers is not always a pleasant experience. 

  • Have itchy feet: cuồng chân, muốn đi đây đó 
  • Prone to có xu hướng theo cái gì đó
  • Take into consideration: xem xét cái gì đó kỹ lưỡng

Đối với những câu hỏi lựa chọn, có thể nghiêng về một phía hoặc nêu ý kiến trung lập để có nhiều ý tưởng hơn. Đối với mỗi khía cạnh của câu hỏi, nêu lên những mặt lợi/ hại để đi đến quyết định chọn/ không chọn. Việc chuyển nhà thường xuyên có thể phù hợp với người thích sự thay đổi, tuy nhiên lại gây ra nhiều vấn đề hơn (bất tiện cho người có gia đình, phải thích nghi với cuộc sống mới, phí chuyển nhà đắt đỏ,…)

Topic 2: Street markets 

1. Do you think small markets in your country will disappear as a result of shopping malls and supermarkets?

As a result of urbanization and changes in State policies – not to mention the impact of big superstores and online shopping – food and goods markets in many towns and cities around the world are in danger of disappearing. However, most markets in Vietnam have been in operation for hundreds of years, and they are among the best places in our country for experiencing the daily lives of its local population. Not only a place to exchange goods and produce, flea markets are closely associated with Vietnamese culture and lifestyles. That is a major reason why I don’t think they will ever become a thing of the past.  

  • Urbanization (n): đô thị hoá
  • State policy (n): chính sách của nhà nước
  • Closely associated with s.o: liên kết chặt chẽ với điều gì 

2. What are some types of markets in Vietnam?

The first type of market that comes across my mind is floating markets, representing Vietnam’s unique culture along the Mekong Delta. Taking advantage of the river, people go right along the banks and use their boats to set up shops. Some floating markets are open all day long but are busiest in the morning. In addition, minor ethnic communities mostly visit the markets found in mountainous areas. Apart from trading activities, these markets are also a hub of cultural exchange. Held once or twice a month, these markets are seen as an event within communities. People dress up and travel very long distances to reach these markets, and sometimes locals spend an entire day commuting to get there. 

  • Floating market (n): chợ nổi 
  • Ethnic community (n): dân tộc thiểu số
  • Hub of cultural exchange (n): trung tâm trao đổi văn hoá

3. What problems will outdoor food bring?

Eating outdoors, despite being a great experience to immerse in the local culture, can increase the risk of food poisoning. Food can be exposed to contamination from insects, pests, animals and dust. Bacteria grow more easily when food is stored in the temperature danger zone of between 20 and 30 degrees celsius, which is common in Vietnam’s tropical climate. Facilities for cleaning and hand washing may be inadequate, and clean water is not always available in the great outdoors. On top of that, food served in street stalls is often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar, which are detrimental to one’s health if consumed at a large amount. 

  • Immerse in đắm chìm vào điều gì 
  • Food poisoning (n): ngộ độc thực phẩm 
  • Inadequate (adj): không đầy đủ 
  • Detrimental (adj): có hại 

Xem thêm: Khóa học IELTS 7.0+ – Chuẩn hóa kiến thức đang có, phát triển và nâng cao các phần kiến thức cần để đạt band 7.0+

Topic 3: Feeling proud 

1. When would parents feel proud of their children?

The way I see it, parents are proud of children when they achieve their own goals, whether it be saying their first word, taking their first step, getting an A in class, graduating from college, getting their first job, or buying their first house. Parents, in general, develop a sense of well-being seeing their children mature every day, and no matter how big or minor the achievement might be, they are deliriously happy. That is, undoubtedly, the beauty of parental love. 

  • Sense of well-being (n): cảm giác hạnh phúc
  • Mature (v): trưởng thành
  • Deliriously happy (adj): vô cùng vui sướng, hạnh phúc

2. Should parents reward children? Why and how?

Yes, definitely. Parents should reward their little ones for their achievements and hard work. A little pat on one’s back suggests that their effort has been recognized, and this would develop a sense of achievement among children, encouraging them to keep up the good work in the future. Parents see rewards as a way to get kids going in the right direction on the path to establishing good habits. The reward shouldn’t necessarily be money or material goods, but parents can reward children by showing them affection, praising them, or giving them extra time with a favorite activity. 

  • Pat on one’s back: cái vỗ lưng (ý chỉ hành động khen)
  • Sense of achievement (n): cảm giác đạt được thành tựu
  • Affection (n): tình yêu thương
  • Praise (v): khen ngợi 

3. Is it good to reward children too often? Why?

Well, it is true that there are things regarded as personal responsibilities. It is thought by many people that giving rewards too often for achievements children “should do anyway” may undermine such duties and open up having to negotiate constantly with kids. They certainly don’t need rewards for every single good behavior or every small task they perform. However, as I said, there are plenty of rewards that don’t cost any money. Free rewards and incentives are just as effective in providing motivation for kids. Allowing children to earn a later bedtime, choose a special meal or pick a game to play is enough to make them feel on top of the world

  • Undermine (v): phá hỏng, đục khoét 
  • Negotiate (v): đàm phán
  • Constantly (adv): liên tục
  • Be on top of the world: cảm thấy cực kì vui sướng

4. On what occasions would adults be proud of themselves?

Each individual has different accomplishments worth celebrating, in different aspects of their lives. Some people believe that they should only be proud of themselves when achieving something “big” enough, like getting a promotion, buying a new car or being able to afford an expensive designer bag. However, I suppose there are a lot of simple reasons to be proud of yourself, such as learning and growing from your mistakes, lending a helping hand for those in need, or simply how you strive for your definition of success. Both big and small accomplishments are worth acknowledging as they are the reasons one has come so far in life, and people should always feel proud of themselves for all the good deeds they do, whether to themselves or the world around them. 

  • Lend a helping hand: giúp đỡ
  • Acknowledge (v): công nhận 
19 chủ đề thường gặp ở phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3
Các chủ đề thường gặp ở phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3

Topic 4: Rules and Laws 

1. Why do schools make rules?

Any school is essentially an organisation, and for any organisation to function effectively, rules and a hierarchy have to be established. They are there to make sure each member fulfils their assigned tasks and follows the orders from their superiors. Beside these rules, there are also rules of dress code which are designed to strengthen the sense of community. 

  • Function (v): vận hành
  • Hierarchy (n) : hệ thống cấp bậc
  • To be established (v, passive): được tạo ra
  • Fulfil (v): thực hiện

2. What’s the importance of obeying the law?

Following the law is what makes a society fair and just. It helps to reinforce the notion that everyone is equal and regardless of your social status or financial background, everyone must follow the same set of rules. This is also true in the cases of people breaking the laws. It won’t matter who the violator is, they will be punished in accordance with the rules. 

  • Just (adj): công bằng
  • Reinforce (v) : khẳng định, nhấn mạnh. Reinforce the notion
  • Regardless of : không màng tới
  • Violator (n): người vi phạm
  • In accordance with : dựa trên

3. What can parents and teachers do to help children follow rules?

One thing that they could do is to give the children some rewards whenever they learn and follow new rules. A trip to the zoo, a piece of candy or some extra play time can amplify the message that following rules is a good thing to do. Conversely, privileges and rewards should be withheld when children refuse to follow previously-learned rules. 

  • Reward (n) : công bằng
  • Amplify (v): phóng đại
  • Privilege (n) : quyền lợi đặc biệt (dối với việc nuôi con là xem tivi, đi chơi, …)
  • To be withheld (v, passive) : bị giữ lại, không cho

4. Is it a good thing to break rules sometimes?

While I don’t condone this behaviour, history has shown that sometimes violating some rules is absolutely necessary. When Nazi Germany military occupied Poland, sheltering Jewish people were punishable by death. Yet many women and men risked their lives, and in fact, many did get executed because of their bravery. Today, we look back and honour them as heroes who did what was right and not just blindly followed the laws.

  • Condone (v): cổ xúy
  • Be punishable by death: có thể bị xử tử 
  • Get executed (v, passive) : bị xử tử
  • Bravery (n): lòng dũng cảm

Topic 5: Time Management 

1. How can people balance life and work?

The way I see it, there are several ways to achieve a life-work balance in the hustle and bustle of urban life. I think it is best to plan ahead to combine work activities with leisure, social, or fitness activities. If people find themselves having virtual meetings back-to-back, for example, they can try taking them while they go for a walk around the office. Another method one can adopt is to end work at a certain time. It is believed that work expands to fill the time allotted, so setting a time to end work for the day and powering down work-related devices is essential to lead a well-balanced lifestyle. 

  • Hustle and bustle (n): sự xô bồ
  • Back-to-back (adj): liền kề, liên tiếp
  • Well-balanced (adj): cân bằng

2. What usually makes people feel pressured?

There are a lot of things putting people under a lot of stress and strain, in different stages of their lives. A high school student, let’s say, would have to face the mental health toll of academic pressure, which derives from their parents’ expectation to outshine their peers in class and pass every exam with flying colors. People in the workforce, however, are constantly pressurized with a heavy burden of work while bending over backward to make a proper living for themselves and their families. There would always be something for people to be worried about, to tell the truth. 

  • Derive from (v): xuất phát từ 
  • Outshine (v): nổi trội hơn 
  • Pass (exams) with flying colors: thi đạt điểm cao
  • Heavy burden of work (n): gánh nặng công việc
  • Bend over backward: cố gắng hết sức 

3. Why do young people waste more time?

Wow, this is a big question, actually. There could be several explanations for this, but I believe the most important reason is that young people tend to underestimate the value of time. They may believe that they have an entire life ahead of them and that spending a day is not a big deal. Others, in addition, may not discover their life’s purpose, and when they don’t have something to focus on or devote time to, it is very likely for them to fritter away all their time on senseless things. 

  • Underestimate (v): đánh giá thấp 
  • Fritter away (v): tiêu tốn, lãng phí 

4. What kinds of activities do you consider a waste of time?

To my way of thinking, one of the most time-wasting activities would probably be the excessive use of social media. Nowadays hardly anyone can resist the temptation of Facebook or Instagram, a place where people can receive an endless amount of immediate rewards in the form of attention from others for relatively minimal effort. People are constantly seeking acclamation from others when talking about great jobs, excellent partners, beautiful homes and feeling happy or inspired as a result. Being deeply immersed in these platforms, however, can lead to people losing track of time and goofing off their work or study. Additionally, people can also waste a lot of their precious time on a bad movie, a toxic relationship or unnecessary chatting, to name but a few. 

  • Temptation (n): cám dỗ 
  • Lose track of time: mất nhận thức về thời gian
  • Goof off (v): né tránh (việc)

Topic 6: Arguments

1. What do family members usually have arguments about?

Well, there are a number of reasons leading to family fights, some of them can derive from deciding who is paying the bills, someone not getting the fair share of house chores, giving birth to a baby or members having different views or beliefs that clash. Those family conflicts can even lead to more serious problems, even hostility or bitterness among spouses, parents and children living under the same roof. Other trivial things can be the cause of quarrels as well, like messy bedrooms or dirty shoes on the floor, but these minor problems may only last around 5 – 10 minutes, adding up to just under a quarter of an hour each day engaged in verbal sparring in families. Well, no family is perfect, and each one will have its own memorable disagreements.

  • Clash (v): đụng độ 
  • Family conflict (n): mâu thuẫn gia đình 
  • Spouse (n): vợ/ chồng 
  • Quarrel (n): cuộc cãi nhau 
  • Spar (v): tranh luận 

2. Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends?

Definitely friends, due to similar age groups. When entering quarrels with friends, people often find it easier to raise their voice and talk about what’s on their mind, knowing that their friends are on no superior position to them. Expressing your ideas and opinion to parents, on the other hand, requires a great deal of courtesy in order to maintain certain morals, and talking back to parents can even be considered impertinent and disrespectful, especially in Eastern cultures. 

  • Raise one’s voice: lên giọng 
  • Courtesy (n): phép lịch sự 
  • Impertinent (adj): hỗn láo

3. At what age should children begin to have personal opinions?

Wow, this is a grand question, I think. I’m not really sure about this but, I guess children should be allowed to have their say as soon as they are aware of the world around them, regardless of age. It is extremely important to encourage critical thinking among children from a tender age, as that is the foundation of firm cognitive and social development. Simply by giving gentle feedback to them: “That’s an interesting perspective” or “Let me think about it”, you are showing children positive signs that they are valued, and you’re hoping not to dismiss any insight just because it comes from a child. 

  • Have one’s say: có tiếng nói 
  • Cognitive and social development (n): sự phát triển về trí tuệ và xã hội 

Topic 7: Ambitions 

1. What kinds of ambitions do people have?

I believe it is highly dependent on the individual. However, the bulk of us aspires to greater fame, riches, and power. For example, some people want a dream house on the beach with cutting-edge technology, while others want luxury cars, a lot of money and maybe a tour around the globe. There’s nothing wrong with having such material objectives as we plan for our next standard of living; in fact, our ambitions may serve as incentive to move forward and work harder to accomplish them. Some people, on the other hand, only aspire to have more affection and healthy relationships as that’s all they wish to achieve in life. 

  • Cutting-edge technology (n): công nghệ tiên tiến 
  • Material objectives (n): mục tiêu về vật chất
  • Incentive (n): điều khích lệ

2. Is having high ambition good for children?

Yes, definitely. Having clear goals is essential for their academic performance and even success in the real world. Setting and tracking goals teach children crucial life skills such as planning, organization, time management, as well as communication, self-awareness and confidence. In other words, allowing youngsters to aim high might pave the way for their achievement. It provides him or her with a roadmap to follow, ensuring that things are performed in the order of significance. This frees up time and energy to focus on the next step toward his or her objectives.

  • Pave the way: chuẩn bị 

3. Is there any difference in the ambition of grown-ups and children?

When it comes to ambitions, there is a significant difference between children and adults. On the one hand, children frequently have grade-based goals, such as wanting to progress or attain a specific educational milestone, getting excellent grades or being a cut above in class. They set more long-term goals in high school, such as getting accepted to their top three institutions or receiving a scholarship. Adults, on the other hand, may no longer prioritize academic performance and instead pursue a range of objectives based on their lifestyle. Some people desire fame and money, as well as a lavish lifestyle filled with fantasies while others only long for sentimental values

  • Grade-based goal (n): mục tiêu về điểm số 
  • A cut above (n): người/ vật hơn hẳn những người/ vật còn lại
  • Sentimental value (n): giá trị về tinh thần

Topic 8: Music 

Chủ đề “Music” – IELTS Speaking Part 3
Chủ đề “Music” – IELTS Speaking Part 3

1. Do teenagers and adults enjoy the same kind of songs?

I don’t think so. From what I can see, younger teenagers tend to listen to trendy music, meaning, they tend to like whatever songs that are popular. Whereas adults’ taste in music is more diverse and even niche sometimes. I certainly can relate to this as I have learned to appreciate classical music, songs that I might not have liked a couple of years ago.

  • Tend to do something: có xu hướng làm gì đó
  • Trendy (adj): thịnh hành
  • Appreciate (v): quý trọng. → Appreciate something: biết thưởng thức gì đó

2. What are the factors that make people like a song?

Off the top of my head, I can think of several elements of a song that can make people fall in love with it. First, catchy rhythm can really make people listen and remember that song for a long time. Then, outstanding lyrics are another factor to consider. My favourite, though, is the bassline. It usually gives me chills and that feeling can be quite addicting.

  • Element (n): nhân tố
  • Rhythm (n): giai điệu 
  • Lyrics (n): lời bài hát
  • Give me chill: làm tôi xúc động/sởn gai ốc
  • Addicting (adj): có tính gây nghiện

3. On which occasions do people in your country sing together?

The first thing that comes to my mind is in a football match. We Vietnamese are fanatics when it comes to football. Any football match that involves Vietnam’s national football team is attended by devoted Vietnamese football fans. They often sing upbeat and cheery music to show support for their team and boost the morale of the footballers. Another time that you’d see people singing together is on Nguyen Hue walking street. There are always buskers performing there and sometimes pedestrians also join the fun and sing some tunes.

  • Morale (n): tinh thần, chí khí 
  • Busker (n): người hát rong 
  • Pedestrian (n): người đi bộ

4. Why do you think people of different age groups have different favourite songs?

I’ve never thought about this before. If I have to guess, the reason why older people’s favourite songs are different is that they’ve had the time to develop their taste in music. They’ve listened to a wider range of music and identified which songs they truly like. By the same token, younger people who have less time to explore their own taste in music would just listen to trendy ones. Another factor might be that younger people are more familiar with newer genres of music. Take rap and hip-hop as examples, these types of music were introduced into the music scene in Vietnam not too long ago so naturally most of their Vietnamese listeners are in their 20s and 30s. 

  • By the same token: cũng vì lẽ đó 
  • Genre (n): thể loại (âm nhạc, phim ảnh,…)

Bài mẫu: Talk about music

Topic 9: Telling lies

1. Do people in your country judge people when they lie?

In my opinion, attitude toward lying has changed recently. Most of the time, people in my nation usually take whether lies are done with good intentions into account before giving a final judgment on those who make them. For example, if a doctor tells a little girl a lie about her father’s health condition when things are getting worse, her relatives will empathise with him.

  • good intention (n): ý định tốt
  • take something into account: xem xét kĩ cái gì đó
  • empathise (v): thông cảm

2. How should we tell if it’s a white lie or not?

Well, it depends on our basic instincts and experiences. I mean some people are pretty good at detecting a white lie by observing gestures and facial expressions and I am quite unsure of my ability, just to tell you the truth. So, giving you how to spot a white lie is really beyond my knowledge.

  • basic instinct (n): bản năng
  • gesture (n): cử chỉ
  • facial expression (n): biểu hiện trên khuôn mặt
  • beyond someone’s knowledge (phrase): ngoài sự hiểu biết của ai đó

3. Is it acceptable to tell white lies?

For the most part, white lies are often innocuous. If we are truly aware of the consequences when making white lies, it will be socially accepted.

  • for the most part (phrase): đa phần
  • innocuous (adj): vô thưởng vô phạt
  • socially accepted (adj): được xã hội công nhận

4. Why do some people keep telling lies?

There are a host of reasons behind this. In some circumstances, not revealing the truth is deemed better for the listener’s feeling. A student who doesn’t want his parents to fret about his difficulties at school, for instance, may lie to them. However, some are of the opinion that telling a lie is a good way to avoid punishments. To illustrate, a driver who is pulled over for speeding by traffic wardens will make up a story on his wife being hospitalized so that he won’t get any hefty fine.

  • to be deemed: được cho là
  • fret (v) : lo lắng
  • To illustrate (phrase): Để minh hoạ
  • pull over (v): tấp vào lề
  • traffic warden (n): cảnh sát giao thông
  • make up a story (v): dựng một câu chuyện
  • hefty fine (n): tiền phạt nặng

Topic 10: Stories 

1. What stories do children like to read?

In my opinion, It entirely depends on their personal interests. Some are fond of reading fairy tales and some find it really fascinating to read about Greek mythology as long as they can comprehend the underlying meaning each story coveys, which, I think, matters the most.

  • personal interest (n): sở thích cá nhân
  • fond of (adj): thích
  • Greek mythology (n): Thần thoại Hy Lạp
  • comprehend (v): hiểu
  • underlying meaning (n); ý nghĩa cốt lõi
  • convey (v): truyền đạt
  • matter (v): mang tính quan trọng

2. Why do children like stories?

There is a host of reasons why many kids are keen on stories. Firstly, they can gain exposure to wonderful creatures they haven’t encountered before. For example, some tales involve fairies casting magic spells in their storylines, which is intriguing to toddlers as never have they seen such a thing in their everyday life. Additionally, some kids find listening to stories before sleeping really relaxing. As a matter of fact, some parents tend to read a story for their sons or daughters to send them to sleep.

  • gain exposure to (v):  tiếp xúc với
  • encounter (v): gặp phải
  • cast magic spells (v): làm phép
  • toddler (n): trẻ nhỏ
  • send someone to sleep (v): đưa ai đó vào giấc ngủ

3. How has technology changed storytelling?

Undoubtedly, the emergence of technology has shifted the way we tell stories. In the past, people listening to a story usually imagined events and characters on their own based on what the teller’s verbal expressions. However, storytelling has become more and more visualisable by the aid of technology as images and other interactive elements can engage listeners while a story are being told. Therefore, people can effortlessly catch up with the storyline.

  • emergence (n): sự xuất hiện
  • shift (v): thay đổi
  • verbal expression (n): sự diễn đạt bằng ngôn từ
  • visualizable (adj): có thể hình dung được
  • by the aid of something (phrase): với sự hỗ trợ của cái gì đó

4. Which one is better, traditional storytelling or the use of technology in storytelling?

To me, digital storytelling is far better than traditional one as the former is much more integrative. Given the fact that the barrier between the storyteller and the listener is no longer an impermeable one if there are visual images and sound effects conducted by technological devices. This means that the listener is able to sufficiently comprehend the content of a story while the narrator doesn’t have to consider much about the choice of words while telling a story.

  • integrative (adj): mang tính hợp nhất
  • barrier (n): rào cản
  • impermeable (adj): gây trờ ngại
  • conduct (v): thực hiện

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