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IELTS Vocabulary topic History – Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing

History – lịch sử được cho là chủ đề khá khó trong cả IELTS SpeakingWriting, khi đa số thí sinh không có nhiều kiến thức về lịch sử trên thế giới cũng như từ vựng cho chủ đề này. Với bài viết dưới đây, IELTS Vietop mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần tổng hợp từ vựng IELTS Vocabulary topic History thông dụng. 

IELTS Vocabulary topic History- Danh từ

IELTS Vocabulary topic History- Danh từ
IELTS Vocabulary topic History – Danh từ
Từ vựng Ý nghĩaVí dụ
AnthropologyNhân chủng họcAnthropology is the study of human societies, cultures, and their development.
Archaeological siteKhu khảo cổThe archaeological site of Pompeii offers a glimpse into life in ancient Roman times.
ArchaeologistNhà khảo cổ họcThe archaeologist carefully examined the pottery shards found at the excavation site.
ArtifactHiện vậtThe museum has an impressive collection of artifacts from ancient civilizations.
CivilizationNền văn minhThe Indus Valley Civilization was one of the earliest known civilizations in the world.
ColonialismChủ nghĩa thực dânThe British Empire practiced colonialism in many countries around the world.
Cultural exchangeGiao lưu văn hóaThe cultural exchange between Japan and the United States has led to a fusion of ideas and practices.
DecolonizationPhi thực dân hóaThe decolonization of Africa and Asia was a major event in the 20th century.
DiplomacyNgoại giaoDiplomacy is essential for maintaining peaceful relations between countries.
DynastyTriều đạiThe Han Dynasty ruled China for over four centuries.
EmpireĐế chếThe Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in history.
ExplorationThám hiểmExploration has led to the discovery of new lands and resources.
GenocideDiệt chủngThe Holocaust was one of the worst genocides in history.
HeritageDi sảnThe Great Wall of China is a world heritage site.
Historical eventSự kiện lịch sửThe assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a historical event that led to World War I.
Historical figureNhân vật lịch sửMahatma Gandhi was a historical figure who led India to independence from British rule.
Historical siteDi tích lịch sửThe Pyramids of Giza are a historical site that attracts millions of tourists every year.
ImperialismChủ nghĩa đế quốcImperialism has been a major factor in shaping the modern world.
IndependenceĐộc lậpThe American colonies declared independence from Great Britain in 1776.
IndustrializationCông nghiệp hóaThe process of industrialization transformed societies from agrarian-based economies to ones based on manufacturing and technology.
MonarchyChế độ quân chủThe British monarchy is the oldest surviving monarchy in the world.
NationalismChủ nghĩa dân tộcNationalism can lead to both positive and negative consequences.
RevolutionCách mạngThe French Revolution marked a turning point in European history.
RevolutionariesNhà cách mạngChe Guevara was one of the most famous revolutionaries of the 20th century.
SlaveryChế độ nô lệSlavery was a brutal system that dehumanized millions of people.
SuffrageQuyền bầu cửThe women’s suffrage movement fought for the right to vote for women.
TreatyHiệp ướcThe Treaty of Versailles ended World War I.
WarChiến tranhWars have caused immense suffering and destruction throughout history.
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Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing chủ đề History – Động từ

Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing chủ đề History - động từ
Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing chủ đề History – Động từ
Từ vựng Ý nghĩaVí dụ
AbolishBỏThe Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in the United States.
AnnexPhụ lục, sáp nhậpThe Soviet Union annexed parts of Poland during World War II.
BuildXây dựngThe ancient Egyptians built impressive pyramids that still stand today.
ColonizeThuộc địaEuropean powers colonized much of the world during the Age of Exploration.
ConcludeKết luận, chấm dứtThe Treaty of Versailles concluded World War I.
ConquerChinh phụcThe Mongol Empire conquered much of Asia and Europe in the 13th century.
DevelopPhát triểnThe Industrial Revolution allowed countries to develop new technologies and industries.
DiscoverPhát hiệnChristopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492.
EmancipateGiải phóngAbraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation emancipated slaves in Confederate states during the Civil War.
EstablishThành lậpThe United Nations was established in 1945 after World War II.
ExpandMở rộngThe Roman Empire expanded its territory through military conquest.
ExploreKhám pháMarco Polo explored China and wrote about his experiences in his famous book.
InvadeXâm lượcGermany invaded Poland in 1939, starting World War II.
LiberateGiải phóngAllied forces liberated concentration camps during World War II.
OverthrowLật đổThe French Revolution overthrew the monarchy and established a republic.
PreserveBảo tồnThe Great Wall of China was built to preserve the country’s borders and protect against invasion.
ProclaimTuyên bốThe Declaration of Independence proclaimed the United States’ independence from Great Britain.
ReclaimĐòi lạiThe Dutch reclaimed land from the sea through the use of dikes and dams.
ReconstructXây dựng lạiAfter the Civil War, the United States had to reconstruct the South and rebuild its economy.
RediscoverKhám phá lạiThe ancient city of Pompeii was rediscovered in the 18th century.
ReformCải cáchThe Protestant Reformation reformed the Catholic Church in Europe.
ReinforceCủng cốThe Berlin Wall was built to reinforce the division between East and West Germany.
RenovateĐổi mớiThe old theatre was renovated to restore its original beauty and charm.
RestoreKhôi phụcThe Palace of Versailles was restored to its former glory after it fell into disrepair.
RevolutionizeCách mạng hóaThe invention of the internet revolutionized the way people communicate and access information.
SettleỔn địnhThe Pilgrims settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.
SucceedThành côngMahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance movement succeeded in gaining India’s independence from Great Britain.
TriumphChiến thắngThe civil rights movement triumphed over segregation and discrimination in the United States.
UnifyThống nhấtThe formation of the European Union aimed to unify countries in Europe.
VanquishĐánh bạiThe Allied powers vanquished the Axis powers in World War II.

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Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing chủ đề History – Tính từ

Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing chủ đề History - Tính từ
Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing chủ đề History – Tính từ
Từ vựng Ý nghĩaVí dụ
AncientCổ đạiThe ancient Egyptians built impressive pyramids that still stand today.
BarbaricDã man, man rợThe barbaric practice of gladiatorial combat was popular in ancient Rome.
ColonialThuộc địaThe colonial powers exploited the resources of their colonies for their own benefit.
DecisiveQuyết đoánThe decisive battle at Waterloo marked the end of Napoleon’s reign.
DemocraticDân chủThe United States is a democratic country with free and fair elections.
EnlightenedGiác ngộThe enlightened policies of the king led to greater freedom and prosperity for his people.
FascistPhát xítThe fascist regime in Italy led by Mussolini was marked by authoritarianism and militarism.
FeudalPhong kiếnFeudalism was a social system in medieval Europe based on land ownership and loyalty to lords.
GloriousVẻ vangThe glorious reign of Queen Elizabeth I was marked by economic prosperity and cultural achievement.
GreatTuyệt, vĩ đạiThe Great Wall of China is one of the world’s most famous landmarks.
HeroicAnh hùngThe heroic actions of soldiers on the front lines of World War I are commemorated every year on Remembrance Day.
ImperialThành nộiThe British Empire was an imperial power that spanned the globe.
IndustrialCông nghiệpThe Industrial Revolution transformed societies from agrarian-based economies to ones based on manufacturing and technology.
InnovativeĐổi mớiLeonardo da Vinci was an innovative artist and inventor who created many groundbreaking works.
MedievalThời trung cổThe medieval period in Europe was marked by feudalism, chivalry, and the rise of Christianity.
ModernHiện đạiThe modern era is characterized by advances in science, technology, and globalization.
MonarchicalQuân chủThe monarchial system in the United Kingdom has survived for centuries.
NationalisticDân tộc chủ nghĩaNationalistic movements have led to both positive and negative consequences throughout history.
OppressiveÁp bứcThe oppressive regime in North Korea has been accused of human rights abuses and political repression.
ProgressiveCấp tiếnThe progressive movement in the United States aimed to promote social and political reform.
RebelliousƯơng ngạnh, bạo độngThe rebellious spirit of the 1960s led to widespread social and cultural changes.
RevolutionaryCách mạngThe American Revolution was a revolutionary movement that established a new nation based on democratic principles.
ScientificCó tính khoa họcThe scientific revolution led to major advancements in fields such as astronomy, physics, and medicine.
SlaveryChế độ nô lệSlavery was a brutal system that dehumanized millions of people.
SocialistNhà xã hội họcThe socialist movement aimed to establish a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources.
TechnologicalCông nghệThe technological advancements of the past century have transformed the way we live, work, and communicate.
TotalitarianToàn trịTotalitarian regimes such as those led by Hitler and Stalin were marked by extreme repression and control.
UnitedThống nhấtThe United Nations was established to promote international cooperation and peace.
VictoriousChiến thắngThe victorious Allied powers celebrated the end of World War II with parades and celebrations.
WesternMiền Tây, phương TâyThe Western world has exerted significant influence on global politics, economics, and culture.

Từ vựng IELTS Speaking & Writing chủ đề History – Trạng từ

IELTS Vocabulary topic History
IELTS Vocabulary topic History – Trạng từ
Từ vựng Ý nghĩaVí dụ
AccuratelyChính xácThe historian accurately recorded the events of the past.
2. BravelyDũng cảmThe soldiers bravely fought against overwhelming odds.
BrutallyTàn bạoThe dictator brutally suppressed any opposition to his rule.
ChronologicallyTheo trình tự thời gianThe events of the story were presented chronologically, from beginning to end.
ClearlyRõ ràngThe treaty clearly outlined the terms of the agreement.
CourageouslyDũng cảmThe civil rights activists courageously fought for equality and justice.
CruellyTàn nhẫnThe dictator ruled cruelly, using torture and imprisonment to silence any opposition to his regime.
DecisivelyDứt khoátThe general decisively defeated the enemy in battle.
DirectlyTrực tiếpThe letter was addressed directly to the recipient.
EffectivelyCó hiệu quảThe new policy was effectively implemented to address the problem.
FearlesslyKhông sợ hãiThe explorer fearlessly ventured into uncharted territory.
HistoricallyTrong lịch sửHistorically, the Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on society and the economy.
HonestlyThành thậtThe politician spoke honestly about their views on the issue.
InevitablyChắc chắn, không né tránh đượcWar inevitably leads to suffering and loss.
JustlyCông bằngThe judge justly sentenced the defendant based on the evidence presented.
LargelyPhần lớnThe success of the project was largely due to the hard work of the team.
MercilesslyKhông thương tiếcThe dictator mercilessly persecuted anyone who opposed his regime.
NaturallyMột cách tự nhiênThe Amazon rainforest is naturally rich in biodiversity.
NotoriouslyKhét tiếngThe city was notoriously known for its high crime rate.
OftenThườngHistorians often disagree on the interpretation of historical events.
PassionatelyNhiệt tìnhThe artist passionately expressed their emotions through their work.
PeacefullyThanh thảnThe demonstration was conducted peacefully, without any violence or disruption.
PowerfullyMạnh mẽThe speech delivered by the civil rights leader was powerfully moving and inspiring.
RapidlyLiên tụcThe technology industry is rapidly evolving and changing.
RelentlesslyKhông ngừngThe activists relentlessly pursued their goal of social justice.
SkillfullyKhéo léoThe musician skillfully played the complex piece on the piano.
SuccessfullyThành côngThe business was successfully launched and became profitable.
SuddenlyĐột nhiênThe storm suddenly intensified, causing widespread damage.
ViolentlyBạo lựcThe rioters acted violently, causing chaos and destruction.
WidelyRộng rãiThe invention of the internet has been widely credited with transforming the way we live and work.

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