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IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science và Ornithology

Từ vựng là một phần không thể thiếu trong tất cả các bài test kỹ năng của kỳ thi IELTS, bao gồm nghe, nói, đọc và viết. Hôm nay hãy cùng IELTS Vietop tổng hợp và bổ sung thêm vốn từ vựng IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science và Ornithology nhé.

IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science và Ornithology

IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science
IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science

Ornithology là một lĩnh vực khoa học nghiên cứu về chim. Nó không chỉ bao gồm việc tìm hiểu về các loài chim khác nhau và cách chúng sinh sống, mà còn nghiên cứu cách các loài chim tương tác với môi trường tự nhiên của chúng. Một vài từ vựng thuộc chủ đề này thường xuyên xuất hiện trong các bài kiểm tra IELTS như:

  • Feather /ˈfɛðər/: Lông chim
  • Crest /krɛst/: Mào chim
  • Songbird /sɔŋˌbɜrd/: Chim hót
  • Waterfowl /ˈwɔtərfaʊl/: Chim nước
  • Wing /wɪŋ/: Cánh chim
  • Talon /ˈtælən/: Vuốt chim săn mồi
  • Flightless /ˈflaɪtləs/: Không bay được
  • Migrate /ˈmaɪɡreɪt/: Di cư
  • Nest /nɛst/: Tổ chim
  • Plumage /ˈplumɪdʒ/: Bộ lông
  • Preen /priːn/: Chải lông
  • Predator /ˈprɛdətər/: Thú săn mồi
  • Baek /biːk/: Mỏ chim
  • Chick /tʃɪk/: Chim con
  • Fledge /flɛdʒ/: Bay thử lần đầu
  • Species /ˈspiːʃiːz/: Loài
  • Birdwatching /ˈbɜrdˌwɑtʃɪŋ/: Quan sát chim
  • Ornithology /ˌɔːrnɪˈθɑːlədʒi/: Khoa học chim học
  • Avian /ˈeɪviən/: Thuộc về chim
  • Egg /ɛɡ/: Trứng chim
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Sample sử dụng Vocabulary topic Ornithology

Ornithology is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of birds. This field of science examines the physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitats of different bird species. Feather, the most striking feature of birds, plays a crucial role in their ability to fly. They also serve as a natural insulation to regulate body temperature. Crests are the tufts of feathers that can be found on top of a bird’s head. Some species have brightly colored crests, which they use to attract mates. Songbirds are known for their melodious voices, and their ability to communicate through songs.

Waterfowl, which includes ducks and geese, are birds that are adapted to living in and around bodies of water. Their wings have evolved to become paddle-like, which makes them excellent swimmers. Flightless, the sharp claws found on raptors like eagles and hawks, are used for grasping and killing prey. Flightless birds like ostriches and penguins are not capable of sustained flight, but they have evolved to become excellent runners or swimmers. Many species of birds migrate long distances to avoid harsh weather conditions or to find better breeding grounds.

Nests are where birds lay their eggs and raise their chicks. Plumage refers to the entire set of feathers that cover a bird’s body. Birds preen their feathers to keep them in good condition. Some predators like owls and falcons have developed keen eyesight and powerful beaks to help them capture prey. Chicks hatch from eggs, and they remain in the nest until they fledge, which is when they attempt their first flight.

Ornithology enthusiasts often engage in birdwatching, which involves observing and identifying different bird species. Egg biodiversity is vast, with over 10,000 species of birds currently known to science. Each species has unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in their respective environments. Ornithology provides a window into the fascinating world of birds, and studying these magnificent creatures continues to reveal new insights into the natural world.

IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science

Cùng liên quan với chủ đề Ornithology về động vật thì Veterinary science (khoa học thú y) cũng là một chủ đề khá thú vị. Trong phần này IELTS Vietop  sẽ giới thiệu các bạn một số từ vựng thường xuyên gặp trong các bài thi IELTS như:

IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science và Ornithology
IELTS Vocabulary topic Veterinary science và Ornithology
  • Veterinarian /ˌvetərəˈneəriən/: bác sĩ thú y
  • Animal welfare /ˈænəməl ˈwelfer/: phúc lợi động vật
  • Livestock /ˈlaɪvstɑːk/: động vật chăn nuôi
  • Vaccination /ˌvæksɪˈneɪʃn/: tiêm phòng
  • Parasite /ˈpærəsaɪt/: ký sinh trùng
  • Diagnosis /ˌdaɪəɡˈnoʊsɪs/: chẩn đoán
  • Surgery /ˈsɜːrdʒəri/: phẫu thuật
  • Antibiotic /ˌæntibaɪˈɑːtɪk/: kháng sinh
  • Inoculation /ɪˌnɑːkjʊˈleɪʃn/: tiêm chủng
  • Animal behavior /ˈænəməl bɪˈheɪvjər/: hành vi động vật
  • Zoonosis /zoʊˈɑːnəsɪs/: bệnh truyền từ động vật sang người
  • Anesthesia /ˌænəsˈθiːʒə/: gây tê
  • Anatomy /əˈnætəmi/: giải phẫu học
  • Radiography /ˌreɪdiˈɑːɡrəfi/: chụp X-quang
  • Pathology /pəˈθɑːlədʒi/: bệnh lý học
  • Euthanasia /ˌjuːθəˈneɪʒə/: giết mổ nhân đạo
  • Hematology /ˌhiːməˈtɑːlədʒi/: huyết học
  • Microbiology /ˌmaɪkroʊbaɪˈɑːlədʒi/: vi sinh học
  • Nutrition /nuːˈtrɪʃn/: dinh dưỡng
  • Physiology /ˌfɪziˈɑːlədʒi/: sinh lý học

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Sample sử dụng Vocabulary Veterinary science

Veterinary science is a broad field that encompasses the health and well-being of all kinds of animals, including livestock, pets, and wildlife. Veterinarians are the primary healthcare providers for animals and play a crucial role in promoting animal welfare. They provide a range of services, from routine check-ups and vaccinations to surgery and diagnosis of diseases.

One of the most important aspects of veterinary science is the prevention and treatment of diseases in animals. Vaccination is a vital tool for preventing infectious diseases, while parasitic infections can be treated with appropriate medication. When an animal does become ill, a veterinarian will use their expertise to make a diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment, which may include antibiotics, surgery, or inoculation.

Understanding animal behavior is also a critical component of veterinary science. By observing an animal’s behavior, a veterinarian can gain insights into their health and well-being. Additionally, understanding the causes and effects of animal behavior can help prevent unwanted behaviors, such as aggression or anxiety.

Zoonosis is a significant concern in veterinary science, as some diseases can be transmitted from animals to humans. By studying the pathology of these diseases and the anatomy of both animals and humans, veterinarians can develop effective strategies for prevention and treatment.

Other important areas of veterinary science include radiography, hematology, microbiology, nutrition, and physiology. Radiography allows veterinarians to see inside an animal’s body, helping them make a more accurate diagnosis. Hematology and microbiology are crucial for understanding the blood and immune systems, while nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining an animal’s overall health. Physiology studies the functions and processes of living organisms, including animals.

Finally, euthanasia is a difficult but necessary aspect of veterinary science. When an animal is suffering from a terminal illness or injury, euthanasia can provide a peaceful end to their suffering.

Overall, veterinary science is a complex and multifaceted field that requires extensive knowledge and training. By promoting animal welfare, preventing and treating diseases, and understanding animal behavior, veterinarians play an essential role in protecting the health and well-being of animals and humans alike.

Trong kỳ thi IELTS, việc sử dụng đúng và linh hoạt các từ vựng chuyên ngành sẽ giúp thí sinh nâng cao điểm số của mình, với việc thực hành và luyện tập thường xuyên, thí sinh sẽ có thể nắm vững và sử dụng các từ vựng chuyên ngành một cách tự nhiên và chính xác hơn.

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