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IELTS Vocabulary Topic Invention – Từ vựng IELTS về sự phát minh

Invention (Phát minh) là một trong những chủ đề khó nhằn trong đề thi IELTS, yêu cầu thí sinh cần có được vốn từ vựng nhất định mới có thể làm bài hoặc trả lời câu hỏi. Ngày hôm nay, Vietop sẽ cung cấp cho bạn bộ từ vựng IELTS Vocabulary topic Invention để giúp bạn không còn bối rối với chủ đề này nữa nhé!

Bộ từ vựng chủ đề Inventors (Nhà phát minh)

IELTS Vocabulary Topic Invention - Từ vựng IELTS về sự phát minh
IELTS Vocabulary Topic Invention – Từ vựng IELTS về sự phát minh

Bảng từ vựng Topic Inventors

Từ vựngPhiên âmÝ nghĩa
Advent (n)ˈædˌvɛntSự ra đời
Commercialized (adj)kəˈmɜrʃəˌlaɪzdThương mại hóa
Catch on (v)kæʧ ɑnTrở nên nổi tiếng
Experiment (n) ɪkˈspɛrəmənt Thí nghiệm
Failure (n)ˈfeɪljər Sự thất bại
Household appliance (n)ˈhaʊsˌhoʊld əˈplaɪənsThiết bị gia dụng
Innovations (n)ˌɪnəˈveɪʃənz Sự đổi mới
Light bulb (n)laɪt bʌlbBóng đèn điện
Milestone in history (n)ˈmaɪlˌstoʊn ɪn ˈhɪstəri Dấu mốc trong lịch sử
Patents (n)pætəntsBằng sáng chế
Phonograph (n) ˈfoʊnəˌɡræf Máy hát
Practicability (n)ˌpræktəkəˈbɪlɪtiTính hữu dụng
Prolific inventor (n)proʊˈlɪfɪk ɪnˈvɛntər Nhà khoa học có nhiều phát minh
Take the world by storm (v)teɪk ðə wɜrld baɪ stɔrmTrở nên rất nổi tiếng
Technical know-how (n)ˈtɛknɪkəl noʊ-haʊKiến thức về công nghệ
To be a game changertu bi ə ɡeɪm ˈʧeɪnʤərMột cái gì đó thay đổi đáng kể cách chúng ta làm mọi thứ
Trial and error (n)ˈtraɪəl ænd ˈɛrər Quá trình thử nghiệm thất bại
Turn something on its head (v)tɜrn ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɑn ɪts hɛdĐảo ngược hoặc thay đổi sự hiểu biết về một ý tưởng
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Câu hỏi IELTS Speaking ứng dụng từ vựng Topic Inventors

Part 1: Do you want to become an inventor in the future?

In reality, I don’t think I’m inventive enough to be an inventor. I lack the technical expertise and patience to go through a great deal of trial and error. Instead of being able to create them, I would want to be a person who can simply enjoy them.

  • Inventive (adj): sáng tạo
  • Technical expertise (n): chuyên môn kỹ thuật
  • Patience (n): sự kiên nhẫn

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Part 2: Describe an inventor that you admire the most.

Okay, to be completely honest, today I’d like to talk about Thomas Edison, an American who is regarded as one of history’s greatest inventors and one of the guys who revolutionized the world.

I bring him up because of his persistence despite numerous failures and the viability of his innovations. He is well-known throughout the world for being a very prolific inventor who has amassed more than 1,000 patents for more than 1,000 inventions throughout his lifetime. He spent many years perfecting those innovations, which included the phonograph, the fluoroscope, and more.

But, the light bulb, which we still use today, must rank as his most notable creation. He finally created one of the most important inventions in human history after many failures and experiments. When the light bulb was invented in 1880, it ended the darkness and gave people a brand-new domestic appliance to light. This event was a turning point in history.

A record player, often known as the phonograph, is another of his well-known creations. It used to be the most widely used entertainment application for millions of people worldwide, but today only a small percentage of people use it. Thomas Edison is also well-known for the adage, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration,” which encourages people to persevere and work with a strong sense of purpose in order to achieve success.

  • Revolutionize (v): cách mạng hóa
  • Persistence (n): kiên trì
  • Viability (n): tính khả thi
  • Innovations (n): đổi mới
  • Prolific (adj): phong phú
  • Amass (v): tích lũy
  • Phonograph (n): máy quay đĩa
  • Fluoroscope (n): máy soi huỳnh quang 
  • Notable (adj): đáng chú ý
  • Brand-new domestic appliance (n): đồ gia dụng mới
  • Turning point in history: bước ngoặt trong lịch sử
  • Record player (n): máy ghi âm
  • Persevere (v): kiên trì

Part 3: What should the government do to encourage inventors?

I believe that inventors are an essential component of an economy where the emphasis is on creativity and where inventions are developed to improve people’s lives, hence it is critical to support inventors. Government should establish an inventors’ fund, from which each new invention should receive a certain sum of money. To help inventors and inspire them to produce new items, each creation should also be properly reviewed and commercialized.

  • Component (n): thành phần
  • Critical (adj): gây tranh cãi
  • Establish an inventors’ fund: thành lập quỹ nhà phát minh 

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Bộ từ vựng chủ đề Inventions (Các phát minh)

từ vựng chủ đề Inventions
Từ vựng chủ đề Inventions

Bảng từ vựng Topic Inventions

Từ vựngPhiên âmÝ nghĩa
Automated robot (n)ˈɔː.tə.meɪ.tɪd ˈrəʊ.bɒtRô-bốt tự động
Barrier (n)ˈbær.i.ərRào cản
Browse websites (v)braʊz ˈweb.saɪtsLướt mạng
Cost-effective (adj)ˌkɒst.ɪˈfek.tɪvTiết kiệm chi phí
Get in touch (v)ɡet ɪn tʌtʃGiữ liên lạc
Have (St) delivered to (v)hæv dɪˈlɪv.ərd Vận chuyển cái gì đến đâu
It’s cutting edge ɪts ˈkʌtɪŋ ɛʤ Tiên tiến, dẫn đầu
Online application (n)ˈɒn.laɪn ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃənỨng dụng trực tuyến
Revolutionary creations (n)ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən.ər.iSáng tạo mang tính cách mạng
Surf the net  (v)sɜːf ðiː netLướt mạng
Take someone by surprise (v)teɪk ˈsʌmˌwʌn baɪ sərˈpraɪzKhiến ai ngạc nhiên
Techie (n)ˈtek.iNgười hiểu biết nhiều về công nghệ
Technological breakthrough (n)ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl ˈbreɪk.θruːSự đột phá về công nghệ
Various purposes (n)ˈveə.ri.əsbˈpɜː.pəsNhiều mục đích

Câu hỏi IELTS Speaking ứng dụng từ vựng Topic Inventions

Part 1: Do you enjoy using technological devices?

Most definitely. I must admit that I am a techie and that I enjoy browsing websites in my spare time to learn about the newest advances in technology. I love them, whether it’s a smart phone, TV, or PC. If I didn’t have these technical advancements, I believe my life would suffer greatly.

  • Technical advancements: tiến bộ kỹ thuật

Part 2: Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way.

In this world, there are so many innovations that have the potential to change people’s lives. Yet, based on what is currently coming to me, I believe I would characterize the Internet.

It goes without saying that the Internet instantly connects people from all over the world. Since letters were the only form of communication in the past, it used to take a long time for us to send and receive messages from someone.

Yet, we can now phone and send messages instantly owing to the Internet. Also, we may collaborate and interact with people throughout the globe, as evidenced by the exponential rise in popularity of virtual meetings and classes in recent years.

Of course, it would be impossible to overlook the benefits that the Internet offers in terms of pleasure and education. The usage of search engines like Google has been demonstrated to be incredibly helpful in this situation should we struggle to locate an answer to a specific inquiry.

What I adore most about the Internet is that it has made it possible for people to access various entertainment programs more easily than ever before. With the aid of the Internet, we are able to accomplish practically everything, including viewing movies, listening to music, and playing mobile games. When we utilize such capabilities on the Internet without being charged, this is much better.

The Internet is one of the most revolutionary innovations, but I think there are many that have improved the state of the globe.

  • Potential (n): tiềm năng
  • Collaborate (v): hợp tác
  • Popularity (n): độ phổ biến
  • Virtual meetings (n): cuộc họp online
  • Overlook (v): bỏ qua
  • Search engines (n): công cụ tìm kiếm
  • Struggle (v): đấu tranh 
  • The aid of (n): sự trợ giúp của
  • Accomplish (v): hoàn thành
  • Without being charged: không bị tính phí
  • Revolutionary (adj): cách mạng, mang bước tiến lớn

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Part 3: What do you think are the drawbacks of technological inventions?

I guess I’ll have to say yes. Humans benefit greatly from technological advancements, which also make life much more convenient. But as a result of our increased reliance on these advancements, we may be growing sluggish. Regular domestic duties won’t be done by humans since autonomous robots will take care of them. Furthermore, using a phone may prevent us from seeing our loved ones in person. I believe that in order to avoid becoming its victims, we should utilize these technologies carefully.

  • Reliance (n): sự dựa dẫm 
  • Sluggish (adj): chậm chạp 
  • Regular domestic duties: việc nhà thường ngày
  • Victims (n): nạn nhân

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