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Top 52 Chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 thường gặp nhất trong bài thi

Bạn đang tìm kiếm top các chủ đề thường gặp nhất trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2, thì đây chính là bài viết dành cho bạn. Ở bài viết này IELTS Vietop đã tổng hợp các chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 thường gặp trong khi luyện thi IELTS nhất, mong rằng nó sẽ giúp ích được cho bạn nhé!

Tổng quan về phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2

Phần thi IELTS Speaking được diễn ra trong 3-4 phút
Phần thi IELTS Speaking được diễn ra trong 3-4 phút

Thông tin bài thi:

  • Thời gian làm bài: từ 3-4 phút
  • Phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 là phần thi thứ 2 trong bài thi IELTS Speaking, hay tường gọi là ‘”The Long Turn”
  • Khi dự thi IELTS thí sinh sẽ được nhận một tấm thẻ, trong đó là chủ đề của bạn. Bạn có 1 phút để chuẩn bị bài nói. Say đó bạn sẽ đối diện trực tiếp với ban giám khảo và trình bày nội dung bài nói của mình từ 1-2 phút.

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Top 52 chủ đề thường gặp trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2

Top 20 Chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 thường gặp nhất trong bài thi
Top 20 Chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 thường gặp nhất trong bài thi

Xem thêm: Học IELTS 1 kèm 1 tại TPHCM hay học IELTS Online trực tuyến cùng thầy cô tốt cùng tìm hiểu nhé.

Hãy cùng IELTS Vietop tham khảo các chủ đề thường gặp và gợi ý đi kèm nhé!

Topic 1: Describe a prize you would like to win/ Describe an award you would like to receive.

You should say:
– what prize it is 
– how you know about this prize/award
– what you would need to do to get it (or, how you would win it)

And explain why you would like to win this prize

The prize I would like to get is from a quiz show called “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, which is well-known all over the world. 

The show is broadcasted on VTV3 every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m and it has become a part of my childhood because it has been around for nearly 20 years. Maybe you are familiar with the format of the game, where contestants tackle 15 multiple-choice questions to win large cash prizes. You are given the question along with 4 options and have no time limit to pick one as the correct answer. The amount of cash offered increases as you tackle questions that become increasingly difficult. The maximum cash prize offered in most versions of the format is highly dependent on the local currency. In Vietnam, it is around USD100.000. For every answer that you get right, you’ll be awarded a determined amount of money. Apparently, if you’re not sure about one particular question, you can always call it a day and go home with the money. But if you’re feeling adventurous you can just go with your gut. And there are always “aids” you can use, for example, you can call your friends for help, consult the audience or choose to have 2 of the options eliminated.

Winning first prize, which means nailing all 15 questions, is what I’m aiming for. I think the game is brilliant because it allows people to challenge themselves with some actual brain-twisters that range from current social affairs to more in-depth problems of math, physics or literature. The game requires you to know a bit of everything, so I’m reading up on areas that I’m not interested in or familiar with, and this allows me to expand my horizon. If I had some time to spare I would definitely give this competition a whirl, to see if I could win a handsome amount of money


  • Well-known (adj): nổi tiếng 
  • Broadcast (v): chiếu (trên các phương tiện truyền thông)
  • Contestant (n): thí sinh 
  • Local currency (n): mức tiền tệ trong nước 
  • Call it a day: dừng việc gì đó lại, không làm nữa 
  • Go with your gut: làm theo cảm tính 
  • Eliminate (v): loại bỏ 
  • Nail (down): thành công, làm được cái gì 
  • Brain-twister (n): câu hỏi, vấn đề gây “xoắn não”
  • Expand my horizon: mở rộng kiến thức 
  • Give a whirl: thử làm gì đó
  • Handsome amount of money: số tiền lớn 

Xem ngay: Cách phát âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh

Topic 2: Describe a book you read that you found useful. 

You should say:
– When you read it?
– What type of book is it?
– What is it about?
– Why did you find it useful?

I would like to take this opportunity to share about a cookbook that I found extremely useful – ‘My Family kitchen’ by actress and celebrity Masterchef winner, Sophie Thompson. 

I am passionate about cooking, and Western cuisine in particular. I stumbled across a review of ‘My Family kitchen’ while sifting through a cookery website about British recipes and got amused by how creative the book was. I then decided to purchase it from Amazon and finally got it after a few weeks of waiting.

The book is an eclectic collection of recipes, which are ideal for modern family life. The book includes hearty meals to feed a crowd at weekends, quick suppers to satisfy hungry children, as well as indulgent puddings for special occasions. While the recipes reflect the melting pot of international cuisines, the author has a soft spot for childhood favorites like Fish ‘n’ chips, Meatloaf, Beef olives and Clapshot. 

Rather than just a collection of Sophie’s cooking instructions, ‘My Family Kitchen’ is more of a family gathering. The cookbook also included photographs from Sophie’s family life, which made me feel like home from the very first pages. 

I learned a lot from her recipes as well as British culture through the book. I have had it for 3 years now, I guess, but I still reread it whenever I want to spice up my family meals. The way Sophie integrated her hobby with her family life was truly one-of-a-kind, and that’s what made me fall in love with her publication the most.


  • Cookbook (n): sách dạy nấu ăn 
  • Be passionate about đam mê điều gì
  • Cuisine (n): ẩm thực 
  • Stumbled across: tình cờ gặp 
  • Sift through (v): lướt qua 
  • Eclectic (adj): chiết trung (giao thoa giữa cái cũ và cái mới)
  • Supper (n): bữa ăn khuya 
  • Indulgent (adj): nuông chiều
  • Melting pot (n): nồi lẩu thập cẩm, ý chỉ sự đa dạng 
  • Have a soft spot for Yêu thích điều gì đó 
  • Hearty meal (n): bữa ăn lớn
  • Spice up: khuấy động
  • One-of-a-kind (adj): độc nhất vô nhị 
  • Publication (n): xuất bản, sách 

Bài nói bám sát những câu hỏi gợi ý đề bài (sách mua ở đâu, lúc nào, nội dung nói về gì, học được gì hữu ích từ nội dung đó,…); Bên cạnh đó lồng ghép một số từ vựng dưới dạng collocations (sift through) và idioms (hearty meal, have a soft spot, melting pot,…) để giúp bài nói thêm sinh động. 

Topic 3: Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

You should say:
– What it is
– When you usually do it
– Why you do it
And explain why you think it wastes your time

Speaking of a particular daily activity that is extremely time-wasting, I would say it is scrolling through my mobile phone to use social media. 

Checking and scrolling through social media has become an increasingly popular activity over the past decades, to a point that most people, and myself included, consider it an ingrained habit. Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok have always been the most frequently-used applications on my phone, and I just can’t help logging into my accounts as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, and every night before bed, to keep myself updated about my virtual friends, as well as to share with them my daily experiences. There is also a never-ending list of videos and funny posts which make me completely lose track of time, resulting in me constantly procrastinating the tasks at hand. 

As to why I make use of these social media platforms regularly, despite being aware of how it might be to my mental health, I guess it goes down to the fact that when getting a notification, such as a like or mention, I receive a sense of well-being. They provide an endless amount of immediate rewards in the form of attention from others for relatively minimal effort. It feels like my brain rewires itself through this positive reinforcement, making me desire likes, retweets, and emoticon reactions. When my phone is not around, I often feel disconnected from the outside world and begin to fidget by whether playing with my hair or bouncing my leg repeatedly. 

Though I am fully aware of how much time I fritter away due to social media, I just can’t refrain from using it so often. I’m doing my utmost to replace this habit with a healthier one, such as reading a book or painting a picture, but I still have a long way to go. 


  • Scroll through (v): lướt (điện thoại)
  • Ingrained habit (n): thói quen khó bỏ
  • Keep oneself updated about cập nhật thông tin
  • Virtual friend (n): bạn trên mạng 
  • Lose track of time: mất nhận thức về thời gian
  • Procrastinate (v): trì hoãn 
  • Sense of well-being (n): cảm giác hạnh phúc, vui sướng 
  • Reinforcement (n): sự củng cố 
  • Fidget (v): cựa quậy, sốt ruột
  • Fritter away (v): lãng phí 
  • Do one’s utmost: cố gắng hết sức

Topic 4: Describe a time when you spent more money than expected.

You should say: 
– What it was
– How much money you spent on it
– Why you spent that much 
And explain why you think you spent more than expected.

I would like to talk about my birthday party a few years ago, when I shelled out a lot more cash than I should. 

It was my 20th birthday so I wanted to do something special for myself as a way to mark this milestone. After browsing through a wide variety of eateries, I finally made up my mind to go for a fine-dining restaurant in town, which boasted amazing American beefsteak at a high price. However, because I only invited some of my close friends, and they were having some promotions going on, I did not expect the price to go beyond my means. 

As we entered the restaurant, I was trying to be less stingy and asked my friends to order as much as they could as I would be the one who footed the bill on my birthday. We ordered a meal of 7 courses, ranging from the widely-acclaimed beefsteak, seafood to other side dishes. The food truly lived up to our expectations, as it was meticulously prepared and served. We were eating to our heart’s content while catching up with each other and enjoying the melodious background music. 

After having relished the meal, I asked for the bill and it totally left me flabbergasted because it was 300 dollars higher than I thought it would be. I asked the manager for clarification, and realized the promotion was only applied to certain packages but not for all customers. I was a bit upset but eventually settled the bill since I didn’t want it to burst my bubbles. 

That experience broke the bank as I splashed out a lot of money for a meal that was not supposed to be that costly. But anyway, it was a night to remember because I got to sit down with my friends and enjoyed a wonderful meal. 


  • Shell out: (miễn cưỡng) trả tiền
  • Mark a milestone: đánh dấu cột mốc
  • Make up one’s mind: quyết định
  • Boast Nổi tiếng về cái gì 
  • Go beyond one’s means: vượt quá sức 
  • Foot the bill: thanh toán hoá đơn
  • Course (n): món ăn
  • Widely-acclaimed (adj): được nhiều người khen ngợi 
  • Lived up to one’s expectations: đúng như kỳ vọng
  • To one’s heart’s content: hết lòng 
  • Relish (v): thưởng thức 
  • Flabbergasted (adj): kinh ngạc 
  • Burst one’s bubbles: làm phá hỏng cuộc vui
  • Break the bank: tiêu sạch tiền 
  • Splash out: vung tiền 

Topic 5: Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school

Bài mẫu Topic Describe A Person – IELTS Speaking Part 1,2,3
Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school
You should say:
– Who he/she is
– How you knew him/her
– Why he/she impressed you the most
And how you feel about him/her. 

Well, when I was in primary school, art class was always my favorite and my art teacher, Ms. Yen, really left a mark on me.

Back then, as primary school children, we only got to learn arts and crafts once a week, and I was always looking forward to Ms. Yen’s art classes. My profound impression of her was that she was a young, energetic teacher with a trendy fashion style. She always showed up in the coolest outfits in color blocks, which somehow expressed her taste in art. 

She was an expert painter and paper cutter, as evidenced by the fact that she could cut two butterflies in less than a minute. She seemed to have magical hands that could do anything in the blink of an eye. I, on the other hand, couldn’t keep up with her at all. I had butterfingers and struggled with scissors for a long time. Ms. Yen, however, did not look down on me but she personally came to me and helped me in folding a piece of paper in half numerous times. She then asked me to draw an image on it and cut it out along the lines. It did turn out a butterfly as I unfold the paper. I was jumping for joy as I nailed it, and took several bows as a way to thank her. 

Ms. Yen was really patient and kind to every student and was always smiling, so I was very fond of her. After so many years, my memory of primary school is fading, but I still remember tons of moments from her art classes. 

To be honest, I don’t think people are giving enough recognition towards art teachers, especially those who work with children in primary school. Doing such a job, a person is not only passionate about art but also has to love kids from the bottom of their hearts. Ms. Yen was truly a hero to me and the time spent with her was the happiest and most carefree period of my life. 


  • Left a mark on s.o: để lại ấn tượng sâu sắc trong ai
  • Profound impression (n): ấn tượng sâu sắc
  • In the blink of an eye: nhanh, trong nháy mắt
  • Have butterfingers: vụng về
  • Look down on s.o: coi thường ai đó
  • Jump for joy: nhảy cẫng lên vì vui sướng
  • Nail làm được cái gì đó
  • Take a bow: cúi đầu 
  • From the bottom of one’s heart: từ tận trong đáy lòng 

Topic 6: Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen

You should say:
– what you waited for
– where you waited
– why it was special
And explain how you felt while you were waiting


Well, actually,  I’m going to talk about something that might happen in the near future that I’m very excited for. 

Recently, a rumour has been circulated that Facebook is planning to change their name in accordance with their future plans. We don’t exactly know what the name change is going to be. Some people said it was going to be “horizon”, others said “meta” was another possibility. Frankly, I don’t like any of them. They’re too generic. 

What I’m truly excited about is the plan proposed by Facebook’s leaders. They are planning to combine different social media platforms which they own such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp with virtual reality technology to create a true virtual reality experience. I mean, that would be a game changer. Nowadays, I’m tired of changing back and forth between different accounts on multiple platforms. What’s more, it might be possible that one day I could see my friends and relatives who live far away in the virtual world and not just on the flat screen of my phone. We may be able to play games or watch movies together. This, I think, is way better than lying on your bed while holding and talking to your phones. 

I hope that so far my anticipation has been justified. I understand we still have to wait a long time until this prospect comes true. But as they say “Good things take time” so I will patiently wait for it to happen. 


  • in accordance with 
  • possibility (n): khả năng
  • frankly (adv): một cách thành thật/thành thật mà nói
  • virtual reality (collocation): thực tại ảo
  • back and forth (collocation): tới lui
  • anticipation (n): sự mong đợi
  • justified (adj): có thể hiểu được, có lí do

Topic 7: Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.

You should say: 
– what the decision was
– when you made it
how long it took to make the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make.

I have to say that I’ve never been good at decision-making. Oftentimes I have to rack my brain thinking what to do and not to do and this often puts me in a dilemma. Today I would like to talk about the time when I had to decide whether to buy a new phone when I was living on a tight budget

Back when I was away from home for college, I did not have that much money to spend, so I tried not to splurge on anything that was unnecessary. During those years I did not ask my parents for pocket money as I wanted to lead a financially independent life. I did have a part-time job as a salesperson at a convenience store near the dormitory, but the money was just enough to get my belly fueled with enough nutrition every day. 

However, things did not always go as planned, as my phone was gradually getting slower, causing me a lot of difficulties in my work and studies. Being strapped for cash, I was in two minds as to whether I should purchase a new phone, which also means I have to struggle to make ends meet. It took me nearly a month with nights of tossing and turning, because that new iPhone cost me as much as my 3-month salary. I kept telling myself about how inconvenient my life would be without a properly functioning phone, but again, I hesitated when realizing I would have to get by on instant noodles for the following months. 

I was in a relentless internal battle before making up my mind to get that iPhone with all my savings. Though I was deliriously happy holding the new hi-tech device in my hands, I had to get one more part-time job as an English tutor on the weekends to earn some extra money. Now thinking back to that story, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around why I could make it through such a hard time. But I guess adversity brings out the best in me, as I learned how to deal with financial issues on my own, without asking anyone for help. 


  • Rack one’s brain: vắt óc (suy nghĩ)
  • Live on a tight budget: sống dè sẻn (vì thiếu tiền)
  • Splurge on tiêu nhiều tiền cho cái gì
  • Be strapped for cash: cần tiền
  • Be in two minds: phân vân 
  • Make ends meet: chi trả cho cuộc sống 
  • Toss and turn: trằn trọc 
  • Get by (v): gắng gượng vượt qua
  • Internal battle (n): cuộc chiến với nội tâm
  • Make up one’s mind: quyết định 
  • Wrap one’s mind around: tìm cách hiểu

Topic 8: Describe a good service you received in a company or a store/shop. 

You should say:
– What the service was
– When you received it
– Who you were with
And explain how you felt about it

Today I would like to talk about how satisfied I was when receiving good customer service from a mobile phone shop a couple of months ago. 

That day I was on the go when I received an important phone call from my boss. While I was busy talking on the phone, a young boy hit me from behind with his bicycle, causing me losing my control and eventually dropping my phone. It was a strong and versatile device, but not strong enough to sustain the crushing pressure, so its display and touch screen were both broken in seconds.

I wasn’t ready to let go of my little old electronic gadget, which I had kept safe for about 4 years, just yet. I then decided to take it to a phone shop, where a young good-looking seller appeared and greeted me with a glowing smile. After exchanging pleasantries, I explained to the technician that I wanted to get it fixed. Unfortunately, the store didn’t have any spare parts of this device anywhere in the country, as it was an old model. However, the store manager showed up and told me that if I was ready to allow him extra time, he could buy the “display” and “touch screen” from another country to best fit my phone. I told him to go ahead and do whatever it would take to fix it. 

After about 2 weeks, I was able to get my phone back, despite having to shell out some extra money. But overall I was content with the service provided, as the salesperson and his manager both showed the utmost professionalism, salesmanship and customer care, which went beyond my expectations. The manager even offered me some vouchers for my next purchase. But for their help, I wouldn’t have been able to keep all the photos and important information on my smartphone. 


  • Be on the go: trên đường đi 
  • Versatile (adj): đa năng 
  • Let go of từ bỏ 
  • Exchange pleasantries: chào hỏi xã giao
  • Shell out: (miễn cưỡng) trả tiền 
  • Utmost (adj): hết mực
  • Professionalism (n): sự chuyên nghiệp 
  • Go beyond one’s expectations: vượt xa sự trông đợi

Topic 9: Describe a village that you visited

Describe a place in a village you visited - IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3
Describe a place in a village you visited
You should say:·
– Where it is·
– When you visited this place·
– What you did there
And how you feel about this place

As a globe-trotter, I’ve spent the better part of my spare time travelling to fulfill my interests, and today I am going to talk about the trip to Da Lat where I had a chance to pay a visit to one the picturesque villages in Viet Nam  – the Lat Village.

Travelling less than 1km from the base of Lang Biang Mountain, visitors can reach the Lat Village. Interestingly, part of the city’s name – Da Lat is derived from this village.

As I remember, my family had decided to fly to the north of Vietnam for our vacation after a hectic time of work and study at first. However, things turned out to be out of reach as the flight tickets became criminally expensive at that time. So, we had to make up our minds and Da Lat was the replacement.

As we arrived, we were told about this village by one of my father’s friends who was living in Da Lat. After spoiling our hunger at a food stall, we hired a cab to take us to the village. As soon as I entered it, I was mesmerized by how peaceful the village was, with a panoramic view and a diverse range of flora, trees and birds that add to the nature’s beauty. Roaming in that area, I could catch sight of some local women weaving scarves and bags, all of which were available for sale. Besides, my family were served with mouth-watering delicacies when visiting a local eatery in the village and I could strike up conversations with some people there, which really made my day.

To be honest, the splendor of the view at the Lat Village and the gastronomic experience I had really created some indelible moments, which could give me a boost when I was back in harness.


  • globe-trotter (n): người hay đi du lịch
  • to be derived from (phrase): bắt nguồn từ
  • to be out of reach (phrase): nằm ngoài khả năng
  • criminally expensive (adj): đắt đỏ
  • spoil someone’s hunger (v): giải quyết cơn đói
  • panoramic view (n):  toàn cảnh
  • a diverse range of flora, trees and (n): sự đa dạng về hoa, cây cối và chim
  • mouth-watering delicacy (n): đặc sản ngon miệng
  • local eatery (n): quán ăn địa phương
  • strike up conversations (v): bắt chuyện
  • gastronomic experience (n): trải nghiệm ẩm thực
  • indelible moment (n): ký ức không thể xoá nhoà
  • to be back in harness (phrase): trở lại với công việc

Topic 10: Describe a time you were friendly to someone you did not like.

You should say:
– When and where it happened;
– Who he/she was;
– Why you didn’t like this person;
And explain why you were friendly to him/her on the occasion

The time I had to maintain a happy disposition (thái độ vui tươi) in spite of irritation was when I went on a coffee date with my best friend Suzy and her boyfriend. It was a long time ago but that experience still lingers in my mind (vương trong đầu).

Suzy and I were very close-knit (thân thiết), but that was before John, her new boyfriend came along (xuất hiện) because  he always seemed to drive a wedge between us (chia cắt chúng tôi). Suzy set up an arrangement at our favorite coffee shop, with John this time, in hope that we would get along and become friends. I constantly put in ice-breaker questions (câu hỏi làm thân) in order to encourage the love birds (cặp đôi yêu nhau) to participate in the conversation. However, that did not seem to hold their interest (khiến họ quan tâm) as all they did was to exchange intimacy (sự thân mật) in different ways and totally forget about my presence. I tried to reach Suzy as much as possible, but  John kept butting in (xen vào) our talk with his bragging and boasting (khoe khoang, khoác lác). 

That was when I started to show a strong dislike for this guy. I really wanted to talk back (phản ứng lại) to him, but then I refrained from (cưỡng lại) doing such a thing as 7 that would definitely put Suzy in an awkward situation and even upset her. Though I tried to be smiling and cheerful, deep down I was feeling completely left out  (lạc lõng) and I kept waiting for that meeting to end. 

They are no longer together, and Suzy also 9 expressed her regret over her disregard (sự vô tâm) so I don’t have to worry about a random guy who continuously interferes in (chen ngang) our friendship anymore. I never confessed my bitter outlook (cái nhìn cay nghiệt) for that guy, and I think that’s a judicious decision (quyết định sáng suốt).


  • happy disposition: thái độ vui tươi
  • lingers in my mind: vương trong đầu
  • close-knit: thân thiết
  • drive a wedge between us: chia cắt chúng tôi
  • ice-breaker questions: câu hỏi làm thân
  • love birds: cặp đôi yêu nhau
  • hold their interest: khiến họ quan tâm
  • intimacy: sự thân mật
  • butting in: xen vào
  • bragging and boasting: khoe khoang, khoác lác
  • talk back: phản ứng lại
  • refrained from: cưỡng lại
  • left out: lạc lõng
  • disregard: sự vô tâm
  • interferes in: chen ngang
  • bitter outlook: cái nhìn cay nghiệt
  • judicious decision: quyết định sáng suốt

Topic 11. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a family member that you spend most time with

You should say:

– Who this person is
– What you like to do together
– When you usually spend time together
– And explain why you spend so much time with him/her

Bài mẫu: Chủ đề Describe Your Mother

Topic 12. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop

You should say:

– Who your friend is
– What habit he/she was
– When you noticed this habit
– And explain why you want to develop this habit

Topic 13. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a famous person that you like

You should say:

– Who the person is
– Why he is famous
– What makes you mention specifically him/her

Xem thêm: Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe A Famous Person

Topic 14. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a health problem you or someone you know had

You should say:

– What it was
– How you had this health problem
– What you or this person had to do to get better
– and discuss how you/this person felt about this health problem

Xem thêm: Chủ đề Virus Corona

Topic 15. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a TV program you would like to watch

You should say:

– What program it is
– What the program is about
– How often and when you watch it
– And explain why you like watching this program

Xem thêm: Bài mẫu Describe a quiz program or game show on TV – IELTS Speaking Part 2

Topic 16. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an article that you read from a magazine or from the Internet about healthy lifestyle

You should say:

– When you read it
– Where you read it
– What it is about
– And if you agree with the opinions in the article

Xem thêm: Bài mẫu về Bánh mì Thanh long

Topic 17. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a historical building in your country/ hometown

You should say:

– Where it is
– What it is used for
– What it looks like
– and explain why it is important to your hometown/country.

Xem thêm bài mẫu cùng chuyên mục: Describe a part of your country that you find interesting

Topic 18. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a person who you think is fashionable

You should say:

– Who the person is
– What kinds of clothes this person likes to wear
– How you know the person
– And explain why you think he/she is fashionable

Topic 19. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a person you admire

You should say:

– Who the person is
– What he or she is like
– And why you admire him or her

Bài mẫu: Topic: “Describe a person you admire” – IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

Topic 20. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a character or personality of yours

Describe a character from a film - IELTS Speaking Vocabulary & Sample Part 2 
Describe a Character or Personality of yours
You should say:

– What it is
– Is it a common characteristic
– How it is helpful to you
– and explain why it is important to you

Topic 21. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a special occasion when you had a really enjoyable meal

You should say:

– What the occasion was
– Who was at the meal
– What you ate

And explain why the meal was so enjoyable

Topic 22. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an embarrassing experience you have had with food

You should say:

– Where you were
– What happened
– How you felt afterwards

And what other people thought about this event.

Topic 23. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a restaurant you enjoyed going to.

You should say:

– Where the restaurant was
– Who you went with
– What type of food you ate in this restaurant

And explain why you thought the restaurant was good

Xem thêm: Bài mẫu Topic Restaurant – IELTS Speaking Part 1,3

Topic 24. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an unforgettable advertisement that you saw

You should say:

– Where you saw it
– What kind of advertisement it was
– What product/service was advertised
– And say how you felt when you saw it

Topic 25. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an educational TV program that you have seen

You should say:

– What this educational TV program is about
– How often you watch or listen to this program
– How they influence people
– And explain why this program is educational

Topic 26. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a short trip that you frequently make (or, take) but dislike

You should say:

– Where you travel from and to
– How often you make this trip
– Why you make this trip
– and explain why you dislike this trip.

Topic 27. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a garden or park you enjoyed visiting

You should say:

– Where it was
– What it looked like
– What you did there or, what people did there
– and explain why you liked it.

Topic 28. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in

Chủ đề Describe Your House
Describe A House Or An Apartment you would like to live in
You should say:

– What kind of accommodation it would be
– Where it would be
– Who would live there with you
– and say why you would enjoy living in this place

Topic 29. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home)

You should say:

– Where the place is
– How it looks like
– What you do there.
– and explain why you like this place.

Topic 30. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a garden/park you often go to

You should say:

– Where it is
– How it looks like
– What people do there
– and explain why you often go there

Topic 31. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a place that can be good to relax (not your home)

You should say:

– Where it is
– How it looks like
– What people do there
– and explain why you often go there

Topic 32. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a short- term job you’d like to do un a foreign country

You should say:

– What type of work you would like to do there
– What country you’d like to work in
– Why you would like to work in this country

Topic 33. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a family (not your own) that you like

You should say:

Whose family this is
– Where they live
– Who are the family members
-Why you like this family

Bài mẫu: Bài mẫu Describe a family that is not your own that you like – IELTS Speaking part 2,3

Topic 34. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an area of science that interest you

You should say:

– What science it is
– How you got interested in it
– How you learn this science
– Why this science is interesting to you

Topic 35. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a good decision you mage recently

You should say:

– What the decision was and how you made it When you made it
– Why it was a good decision
– How you felt about

Topic 36. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a time when you received good news

You should say:

– What this news was
– When and where you heard it
– Why you think it was good news

Topic 37. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an intelligent person you know

You should say:

– Who this person is how know this person
– What this person knows about
– Why you think this person is intelligent
– What you learned from them

Topic 38. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a photo of you that you like

You should say:

– Where it was taken
– When it was taken
– How it was taken
– How you felt about the photo

Xem thêm: Bài mẫu Topic Photograph – IELTS Speaking Part 2,3

Topic 39. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a person who you think this person is helpful

You should say:

– Who this person is
– How you know this person
– How this person helps you
– Why you think this person is helpful

Topic 40. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a time when it was important to tell your friend the truth

You should say:

– Who your friend is
– What the truth was
– What your friend’s reaction was

And explain why it was important to tell the truth

Topic 41. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a time when you saw a wild animal

You should say:

– What animal it was
– When you saw it
– Where you saw it

And explain how you felt when you saw it

Bài mẫu: Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal – IELTS Speaking part 2

Topic 42. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe your favorite weather

You should say:

– What kind of weather it is
– What you usually do during this weather
– How this weather affects your mood
– And explain why you like this type of weather

Bài mẫu: Bài mẫu Describe Your Favorite Season – IELTS Speaking Part 2

Topic 43. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a short journey that you often take but dislike

Topic: "Journey" - IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3
Describe a short journey that you often take but dislike
You should say:

– Where you go
– How often you do this
– When you do this
– And explain why you dislike it

Bài mẫu: Topic: “Journey” – IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

Topic 44. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future

You should say:

– What it is
– How you can get this job
– What kinds of work you would do for the job
– And explain why you want to have it

Bài mẫu: Bài mẫu Describe Your Dream Job – IELTS Speaking Part 2

Topic 45. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

You should say:

– Who the person is
– How you knew him/her
– What kind of person he/she is
– And explain why you think he/she is interesting

Bài mẫu: “Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting” – IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

Topic 46. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

You should say:

– Who you would like to go with
– Where you would like to go
– When you would like to go
– And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car

Topic 47. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:

– Who he/she is
– How you knew him/her
– What he/she has achieved
– And explain why he/she is famous

Topic 48. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a creative person whose work you admire

You should say:

– Who he/she is
– How you knew him/her
– What creative things he/she has done
– And explain why you think he/she is creative

Topic 49. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a businessman you admire

You should say: Describe a businessman you admire

– Who this person is
– How you knew this person
– What kinds of business this person does
– And explain why you admire this person

Topic 50. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

You should say:

– Who this person is
– What the problem was
– How he/she solved it
– And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way

Bài mẫu: Bài mẫu Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in a Clever Way – IELTS Speaking Part 2

Topic 51. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading

You should say:

– When you read it
– What kind of book it is
– What it is about
– And explain why you think it is exciting

Xem thêm: Bài mẫu Describe a book you have read recently – IELTS Speaking Part 2

Topic 52. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a café you like to visit

You should say:

– Where it is
– What kinds of food and drinks it serves
– What you do there
– And explain why you like to go there

Bài mẫu: Describe a café you like to visit – IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

Tips làm bài IELTS Speaking Part 2 đạt điểm cao

Tips làm bài IELTS Speaking đạt điểm cao
Tips làm bài IELTS Speaking đạt điểm cao

Dưới đây là một vài tips làm bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2, các thí sinh có thể tham khảo để nâng cao band điểm nhé.

  • Note từ vựng và những ý quan trọng của chủ đề (không nên note nhiều cho một ý vì có thể khiến bạn mất thời gian).
  • Nên áp dụng các mẫu câu mở đầu cho bài nói như: ABC is everyone’s concern/favorite/ and I am no exception,…
  • Nếu có thể hãy paraphrase lại để thể hiện rằng bạn hiểu về chủ đề đó và đồng thời ghi điểm với ban giám khảo.
  • Nói đủ ý và đúng thời gian. Hạn chế tránh nói quá nhiều hoặc quá ít để tránh bị mất điểm và không đem lại kết quả khả quan.
  • Nếu chẳng may bạn gặp chủ đề không quen thuộc thì hãy trả lời theo các câu hỏi gợi ý sẽ giúp bạn cứu cánh phần bài thi của mình.
  • Cố gắng tạo mạch thời gian quá khứ – hiện tại – tương lai giúp bài nói thêm hấp dẫn hơn.
  • Trình bày quan điểm cá nhân sẽ gây ấn tượng được với ban giám khảo hơn.
  • Mô tả các chi tiết không chỉ giúp bạn diễn đạt đủ ý mà còn thể hiện được khả năng sử dụng từ vựng và ngữ pháp theo chủ đề.
  • Khi làm bài thi IETLS Speaking Part 2, tránh để sai lỗi ngữ pháp.
  • Thường xuyên ôn luyện từ vựng theo chủ đề.
  • Trình bày phân thi nói một cách tự nhiên, trôi chảy, mạch lạc
  • Tự tạo câu hỏi gợi ý trong đầu để có thêm ý tưởng cho bài nói.

Cách xử lí khi gặp topic không biết trong IELTS Speaking

Làm gì khi gặp chủ đề không “trúng tủ”? Đây tuy là câu hỏi hơi bị “lo xa” tuy nhiên, thà lo xa còn hơn không lo đúng không nào. Lo xa để dự tính và có cách giải quyết một cách nhanh gọn.

Dưới đây là cách xử lí khi gặp topic “mù tịt” trong IELTS Speaking, các “sĩ tử” xem ngay để tùy trường hợp “bất trắc” nhé.

Cách 1: Hãy thẳng thắng

Đầu tiên là hãy thẳng thắn nói với ban giám khảo rằng topic đó bạn không thích hoặc bạn không có kiến thức về câu hỏi đó. Tuy nhiên, để gây chú ý được với ban giám khảo, bạn nên đưa ra nhận định một cách chung chung về chủ đề đó. Ngoài ra, khi nói bạn nên lưu ý sử dụng từ vựng, cấu trúc ngữ pháp để nâng tầm kiểm soát ngôn ngữ.

Cách 2: Bịa ra câu trả lời

Nếu bạn sợ áp dụng cách 1 sẽ khiến ban giám khảo không đánh giá cao về bạn thì bạn hãy tưởng tượng và bịa ra câu trả lời.

Để áp dụng được cách này đòi hỏi bạn phải có trí trưởng tượng thật phong phú, đem những điều bạn tưởng tượng đó áp dụng vào câu trả lời của mình. Không ai đi điều tra điều bạn nói cả, nên vì vậy đừng lo sẽ bị trừ điểm. Đây cũng là điều rất bình thường trong phần thi IELTS Speaking.

Các lỗi cần tránh trong IELTS Speaking

Các lỗi cần tránh trong IETLS Speaking
Các lỗi cần tránh trong IETLS Speaking

Để đạt điểm cao trong phần thi IELTS Speaking, bạn cần lưu ý những điều sau:

Thiếu ngữ điệu

Ngữ điệu thực chất là cách lên/ xuống giọng, cách nhấn nhá khi nói. Bạn có đồng ý rằng, sử dụng ngữ điệu trong giao tiếp sẽ khiến người nghe dễ hiểu hơn và họ sẽ tập trung vào câu chuyện của mình.

Đối với những thí sinh chưa biết vận dụng ngữ điệu khi nói, các giám khảo sẽ cảm thấy khó khăn để chấm điểm cho các thí sinh này. Do vậy, thí sinh có thể bị trừ điểm ở tiêu chí “phát âm tốt” và “mạch lạc”.

Lạm dụng từ nối

Dùng từ nối sẽ giúp phần thi nói của bạn không chỉ có tính logic mà còn giúp các ý văn được liên kết chặt chẽ hơn. Tuy nhiên, sử dụng quá nhiều cũng sẽ khiến bạn bị trừ điểm đấy.

Cách tốt nhất là hãy cố gắng nói một cách tự nhiên, áp dụng từ nối đúng lúc để diễn đạt được điều bạn muốn thể hiện.

Lặp lại nội dung câu hỏi

Lặp lại 100% nội dung câu hỏi là điều rất “không nên” khi trong phần thi IELTS Speaking. Vì vậy, hãy cố gắng diễn đạt nội dung câu hỏi theo ý của bản thân, từ đó vận dụng từ ngữ, cấu trúc và diễn đạt một cách linh hoạt.

Điều này sẽ giúp bạn tăng điểm tiêu chí tiêu chí “Grammatical Range and Accuracy” và “Lexical resource” đáng kể đấy.

Nói rằng: “I don’t understand”

Nếu bạn có thắc mắc về câu hỏi của ban giám khảo thì cũng không nên nói rằng “I don’t understand”. Thay vào đó, bạn hãy đề nghị bằng những câu như: “Could you say that again, please?” hoặc “Do you mean…?” không chỉ giúp bạn thể hiện một phần răằ ngbajn vẫn hiểu câu hỏi và tránh được lỗi sai cần tránh trong bài thi của mình.

Trả lời như một “cái máy”

Nếu may mắn gặp được câu hỏi “trúng tủ” thì cũng đừung trả lời một cách “làu làu” như trong sách nhé. Điều này sẽ khiến bạn bị trừ điểm “oan” đấy.

Chính vì thế, hãy cố gắng diễn đạt theo ý của bạn, vận dụng ngôn từ linh hoạt để bài nói được trình bày một cách tự nhiên, trôi chảy.

Trên đây là top 20 chủ đề thường gặp trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2. Hy vọng những gì IELTS Vietop chia sẽ trên sẽ giúp ích được bạn trong quá trình luyện thi IELTS. Và nếu bạn đang cần ôn luyện ngay thì Khóa học IELTS cấp tốc dành riêng cho bạn đấy. Chúc bạn đạt được band điểm như mong muốn nhé!

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Content Writer

Tôi hiện là Content Writer tại công ty TNHH Anh ngữ Vietop – Trung tâm đào tạo và luyện thi IELTS tại TP.HCM. Với hơn 3 năm kinh nghiệm trong việc sáng tạo nội dung học thuật, tôi luôn không ngừng nghiên cứu và phát triển những nội dung chất lượng về tiếng Anh, IELTS …

Bạn còn thắc mắc về kiến thức này?

Hãy để lại bình luận, đội ngũ biên tập viên và cố vấn học thuật của IELTS Vietop sẽ giải đáp & giúp bạn hiểu sâu hơn về chủ đề này 😍.

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